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The springs creaked as the bus bounced off another bump on the dusty road. Janblu felt a shiver of excitement run through his body, each meter that passed by was another one closer to Farmstead Acres camp, which was the location of the school trip that Janblu and his two friends Joshua and Collins were currently on. Trees passed by as the bus entered the Farmstead forest, sparking a new sense of excitement in Janblu. The 12 year old couldn't help but feel impatient each time the bus slowed down, every second was important in his young mind. Every second.

Joshua was brimming with excitement as the bus entered the forest, he couldn't help but feel happy at the thought of the final location ahead. There was so much Joshua planned to do, wanted to do. On top of his list was sneaking out one night, which Janblu had brought up earlier in the bus trip. And while Collins had been reluctant to agree, Joshua readily accepted the plan, his excitement already flowing with the thought of sneaking about. Joshua's smile grew wider, a feat that should have been impossible but Joshua managed it anyway. His happyness continued to grow.

Collins stared out the window, observing. He wasn't as excited like the his two friends, infact he was a bit glum about not being able to use his laptop for the next couple of days. Collins blinked as a moth landed on the window outside, it's wings spread out forming a symmetrical shape. Collins started to calculate all that he could about the moth, it's average weight, it's wingspan and more. A few seconds later the moth flew off, but Collins's photographic memory allowed him to continue to calculate stuff. Collins was so distracted he didn't hear the talking behind him until someone pulled his shoulder.

"Alright, girls over to the left, boys to the right. Don't you dare think about sneaking out at night and anyone caught will be punished!" The head of the camp shouted, attempting to be heard when it wasn't necessary, she had all the kids attention.

"Dinner is in 3 hours SO DON'T BE LATE!" The head of the camp finalized, letting the kids start flocking to bunks. The teachers tried to sort the chaos of students out, but eventually gave up, all the kids had themselves sorted anyways.

"She's a bit mean." Collins noted, looking at the head of the camp walking off.

"You bet! Come on let's get a good cabin before they are all taken." Joshua said, dragging both Janblu and Collins by their t-shirts towards a cabin on the right, notibly at the back and at the edge of the forest.

"You guys are actually serious?" Collins asked, realising why Joshua had picked that specific cabin.

"Yup! Come on in!" Janblu said enthusiasticly, walking towards the cabin door and opening it wide as Joshua stopped dragging him. Janblu entered the cabin, throwing his backpack onto the centre bed.

"The things I do for you guys." Collins sighed as Joshua hopped into the cabin. Collins walked into the cabin, noting the features of the cabin, and general state of disrepair.

Joshua dived into his bed, the one on the left. Noises came from within his backpack, the sort of sounds you hear when you open up a large packet of sweets. The other two boys looked at Joshua with open mouths, clearly shocked.

"What?" Joshua asked, "I brought a bunch of sweets okay? What did you guys bring anyway?"

Janblu opened up his bag and tipped the contents out. Books and clothes fell out in a disorderly manner, making a mess on his bed.

Collins got nervous as the other two boys looked at him expectantly. Joshua opened up his back and tipped the contents, clothes and sweets falling out. Collins looked at the two piles.

"I brought clothes. Just clothes." Collins said. A very audible sound of disappointment comes from the other two boys mouths.

"Like dude, try be a bit more interesting. Even Janblu has brought something." Joshua said. He then shakes his head, "Nevermind, we will make up for it tonight."

Janblu slowly opened the door, listening intently for any sounds. Once he heard none he opened the door a little wider and listened more. He repeated this until the door was wide enough for the three boys to tiptoe out from. Janblu closed the door silently and the three boys ran into the forest, trees surrounding them, pulling them deeper into the darkness.

After a while of running, Collins was starting to get nervous. Joshuas quick and unpredictable turns was making it harder to track where they were going. Janblu was the only person stopping Collins from going back, as he was right behind Collins. Suddenly Joshua emitted a gasp if amazement in front of Collins.

Joshua gasped in astonishment at his discovery, a fairly large clearing in the middle of the forest. The clearing was at least 6 metres wide, with the forest forming a circle around it. It was almost a perfect circle, beautiful.

"We stop here!" Joshua exclaimed.

The Triple X, First Battle [CURRENTLY BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now