Snow - Your Spot

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A small smile graced your lips as you walked through the woods beside your beloved. Her gloved hand was held tightly in your own, your fingers laced. You could feel the heat radiating from her even through the leather and cloth that separated you. You gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she lifted her gaze from the forest you were trekking through to look over at you. Her smiled matched your own as she returned the squeeze and continued walking.

"It's nice out," you mused softly, looking up into the sky. The blue above was covered by luscious leaves and thick branches, shading you from the sun's heat. It was the middle of summer and every day for the past month had been blazing hot. You and the woman beside you spent most of your time in the lake by your shared cottage, cooling off in the shallow waters. Today, however, you opted for a walk through the woods. Since it was how you two originally met, it was a common practice you shared.

"It is," she agreed, following your gaze up but soon dropping it to your face. "But my view is better."

You blushed at her words and followed her as she sat down on a log and pulled on your hand. You plopped down beside her, recalling this spot from your first date. It was quiet and roomy and alone in these woods; hardly anyone ventured through unless they lived close by. It was mostly you and Snow. You were grateful for the seclusion. After your first meeting, you learned that both of you loved hiking through the woods to get away from your every day lives. This thick log in the center of a bunch of trees, sitting before a pile of singed sticks- remnant of your first date when you lit a fire to keep yourselves warm- had become your "spot."

She let go of your hand to wrap an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against her side. You let your hood fall back and hummed softly as a breeze flew through your slightly tangled hair. Snow's other arm reached around you, her hands connecting, and you watched as she slid off her gloves. Her hand now carded through your hair, gently combing out what few tangles had formed. You tilted your head to look up at her with a smile on your lips.

"I love you," you murmured, reaching out to take hold of her other hand. She accepted the action, lacing your fingers as you'd had them before.

"I love you, too," she replied, tilting her head down to press a kiss to your lips. You let out a soft sigh as you turned in her arms, trying to reach her better. She allowed the movement and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you onto her lap. You adjusted so that you were straddling her, one leg on either side of her hips, your hands coming up to rest on her face. She hummed against your mouth, taking your lower lip between your teeth. You gasped at the contact and slid your hands into her hair, tuggling gently. It was her turn to gasp as she pulled away for air.

"I love you," she whispered breathlessly, looking up into your eyes.

You smiled softly and pecked her nose. "I love you, too."

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