Henry - Check Yes or No

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Check Yes or No

A/N: Yes, Henry was absent for a while. Until the last season came out and I saw him as an eighteen-year -old, he was too young for me to write romantically. Watching him grow up through the show made him seem really young to me especially with how young he is in real life so I wasn't comfortable writing him before. Henry requests are absolutely okay now so long as they're not smut.

Request for Destinee Michelle Perkins

"Henry mills please where I knew Henry my whole life and went with him to find Emma

P.S. I love ur writing by the way"

Request for pokemasterof2003

"Hey I got a request. Can you do another one shot for Henry? I don't really have an idea of what it should be about but I feel that Henry kinds seems a little absent from this. Don't have to do this if you don't want to!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

You sat beside Henry as the ten-year-old boy hunched over his storybook, flipping through its pages for the umpteenth time. Ever since Ms. Blanchard had gifted it to him, he'd been obsessed with its stories. He would read them to you, and you to him.

"I have to find my mother," Henry countered, closing the book and turning to face you.

"You're sure Regina isn't your mother?" you questioned, wondering how a ten-year-old could question such a thing.

"I can feel it, (y/n)," he sighed. "I know my birth mother is out there somewhere."

You took his hand in yours. "Then I'll help you find her," you promised. "Where do we start?"

You had met Henry a couple of years before, when he first began his sessions with your father, Dr. Hopper. You would hang out in your father's office when he wasn't tending to his patients, so you were there when Henry arrived for the first time. The two of you hit it off, and though it was crazy, you liked Henry's belief in his storybook, and part of you wanted to believe it.

You and Henry had become inseparable. The only time you were apart was at night, when you had to be in your own homes to go to bed. Wherever one of you was, the other wasn't far behind. You partnered up for every project in school, you ate lunch together, you played together at recess.

When the time came for Henry to sneak out of Storybrooke and make his way to Boston, you followed along. You packed snacks and as much money as you could scrounge up from under the couch cushions, and Henry packed his storybook.

You lingered in the hallway when he found Emma's apartment and maneuvered his way inside. You weren't her long-lost child – you didn't want to intrude on their reunion. When he finally dragged her out under the pretense of taking him home, he smiled at you.

"Emma, this is my friend, (y/n). (y/n), this is my mother, Emma."

As time went on, you and Henry only grew closer. When Emma and Regina would fight over parental rights, Henry sought solace in your company. He would walk to your house- your father never minded having him over- and you would sit and watch TV or read his storybook until he felt better. You had believed him whole-heartedly that the town of Storybrooke was inhabited by fairytale characters, and you were glad when the curse on the town was broken. Henry was happier afterwards, though everyone's fairytale drama overwhelmed him sometimes.

When high school came into play, so did hormones and unfamiliar emotions. You'd always been close to Henry, but as puberty took over and you saw him in a new light, you wanted to be even closer. Butterflies erupted in your belly when he met your eye. Your knees turned to pudding when he laughed. Your heart hammered in your chest when he smiled at you.

Crap. You were in love with your best friend.

You were seated at the island inside Emma's apartment, picking pieces off of a muffin to stuff into your mouth.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" Mary Margaret inquired as she and Emma sat across from you.

A dust blossomed across your cheeks. "Uh... I kind of think that... I might be in love with Henry."

Mary Margaret squealed while Emma's jaw dropped onto the counter.

"That's amazing!" the brunet smiled.

"Have you told him?" Emma inquired.

Your eyes widened. "Absolutely not!"

"You should," Mary Margaret nodded.

"Why haven't you?" Emma wondered.

"Because I have no idea how he feels," you countered.

Emma rolled your eyes. "You've been with him longer than I have. How do you not know how he feels?"

"I think he likes you," Mary Margaret stated.

You exhaled a sigh, dropping your head on the counter.

"Hey, Grandpa?" Henry greeted awkwardly as they sat at a booth inside Granny's.

"What's up, Henry?" David inquired as Ruby poured him a mug of coffee and placed a mug of hot chocolate with cinnamon before Henry.

"I need your advice," the boy replied, shyly toying with the whipped cream that sat atop his hot chocolate.

David raised a brow. "Fire away."

Henry exhaled a sigh. "I really like (y/n). Like... more than a friend."

A bright smile lit up David's features. "I knew it!"

A blush darkened Henry's. "I don't know what to do about it. We've been friends forever but I don't know if she likes me and I don't want to make it weird."

The older man nodded. "It's scary. But I think you have a good chance. You've been through a lot together. I would be surprised if she didn't like you back."

"What do I do?"

"Well, if you're really afraid of rejection, there's the old fashioned 'check yes or no' approach."

Henry quirked a brow. "Check yes or no?"

The next day, at the beginning of class, a neatly folded piece of paper was dropped on your desk. You glanced around the room in search of the culprit, but everyone was bustling, and no one appeared guilty.

Upon unfolding the page, your eyes widened. Written in familiar scribble, the note read:


I really like you. As more than a friend. Will you go on a date with me? Check "Yes" or "No."


Beneath the message were two boxes labeled "Yes" and "No." You crossed through your answer before clutching the note to your chest.

When the day ended, you met Henry at the front doors of the school, as usual. You caught the anxious expression on his features as he caught your eye, awaiting your response. Standing before him you handed him the folded-up note. With shaking hands, he took it, unfolding it to see your answer.


A grin split his lips as you threw your arms around him. "I would love to go out with you," you murmured, gazing up at him. His arms wrapped around your waist, returning the hug and clutching you to his chest. Standing on your toes, you pressed your lips tenderly to his. Henry leaned in, molding his lips against yours, humming softly into the kiss.

"Shall we?" he asked, offering you his arm. You wrapped your arms around his and followed him down the street.

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