Hook - Hear Me Roar - SMUT

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Hear Me Roar

For The Silver Iris

A/N: Enjoy the noise kink and forget about that God forsaken daddy kink!

"The reader feels dominant and wants Killian to moan her name."

Lips barely separated from each other as hands pulled desperately at half fastened clothing. Body heat rose and mingled together as bodies took turns pushing each other into the bedroom for privacy.

Before Killian had the change to take control, you shoved at his chest, knocking him backwards onto his own bed. You then crawled over him, straddling his lap, returning your lips to his, hungry and lustful. You could him grin into the kiss as his hand and hook gripped your waist, holding you close as your hands fisted in his leather jacket.

"What's with the dominance, lass?" he managed between kisses as you shoved his jacket from his shoulders.

"You're mine," was your only response as you latched your lips onto his neck, sucking at the stubble-covered skin. His breath hitched in his throat as he tilted his head back, allowing you more access.

"I know you're capable of making noise," you told him as you pushed him back to lie down. Your hands frantically pulled at the buttons of his vest before pulling the fabric of his shirt from the waistband of his pants. He wiggled in compliance, helping you discard the clothing, leaving his torso bare. You ran your hands down his furry chest, dragging your nails across his skin. He hissed in response, his torso writhing beneath your touch.

Your fingers worked at the fastening of his leather pants, grinning when he helped you slide them off. You returned to straddling his lap, rocking your hips against his. You could feel his arousal through his boxers and it spurred you on.

He bit his lip, clearly trying to bite back a moan of approval. You pouted in response, wanting to hear his sounds.

You leaned over him and kissed him passionately. "Come on, Captain," you whispered, drawing out his nickname in the way that you knew made him crumble. "Let me hear you."

He grinned up at you though he melted at the nickname. His hand squeezed your ass, earning a squeal of surprise from you.

"I'd rather hear you," he countered, tilting his head to bite your neck. You turned your head in compliance, trying not to give in to his charms. You were in charge tonight. You were going to make him moan.

You sat up and ground your hips against his, rocking hard against him and not letting up. He grunted in response, trying to hold back. You ran your nails down his chiseled chest before gripping the hem of your own shirt and pulling it over your head. You smiled at the gasp of approval that fell from Killian's lips as he gazed up at your torso. You reached behind your back to pull at the clasp of your bra, slipping your arms through the straps before discarding the fabric.

He tried to sit up to knead at your bountiful breasts but you pushed him back against the mattress. If you let him take a turn, you'd cave and let him take charge. You shifted above him so you could slide off your panties, kicking them to the floor, leaving you bare above the pirate. He bit his lip as you pulled his boxers from his hips, baring his arousal. You rubbed your wetness against him, enough to leave him wanting more but not enough for any sort of release. He gasped and threw his head back and you knew you were close to getting what you wanted. You finally sunk down on him in one go and he stopped holding back. A moan flew from his throat at the sensation and his hand gripped your hip. You began lifting your hips and slamming them back down against him, grinning when moans tumbled from his lips like prayer. Bracing your hands against his abdomen, you shifted your body to push down at a better angle and build up your own orgasm while you pleasured your pirate.

His hand slid between your bodies to rest against your clit, allowing you to rub against him as you rocked your hips. You moaned at the feeling as you rocked your hips faster, unable to focus on rhythm as the pleasure increased.

"(n/n)," Killian groaned, using your preferred nickname to spur you on. You bit your lip as he gently dragged his hook down your bare thigh, the cold metal contrasting with your burning skin. He ran the hook up your back, causing your entire body to shiver pleasantly. His hand snaked up your side to grasp your breast, kneading and pulling. You arched your chest into his hand.

He sat up and rocked his hips to meet your rhythm. His left arm wrapped around your back while his right hand continued to knead your breast. He dipped his head to pepper stubbly kisses along your neck and you tilted your head back to give him more room. He sucked what you knew would be visible marks onto your neck and your mouth fell open in silent pleasure.

You dug your nails into his shoulder and he bit down on your neck to muffle a groan. You grinned at the effect you had on him, dragging your nails down his back as best you could. He shivered under your touch and moaned into your neck.

The tingling in your belly got stronger and tighter and you lost your rhythm, rocking your hips sporadically against his. Leaning back against the headboard for leverage, he bucked his hips up against you. His hand rested on your thigh, gripping it, while his other arm remained around your back, holding your bare chest to his. Your sensitive nipples rubbed against his chest hair and you whimpered, your senses overstimulated with pleasure.

A loud moan ripped from your throat as the knot inside you burst. Your hips slowed as you were overwhelmed with the daze of your orgasm. Killian kept going, building up his own release and helping you ride out yours. His head rested on your shoulder as he moaned your name, his rhythm faltering as his release overcame him. You both slowed to a stop, sitting together with you remaining on his lap and him remaining inside you, holding each other in a comfortable, sweaty silence.

"I love you," he murmured, kissing your neck.

"I love you too," you replied, kissing his forehead. "And I love hearing you moan."

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