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Jimin's pov~

Where the hell am I?

I opened my eyes and didn't recognize the surroundings. Not until I saw my poster covered walls. I'm in my room?
My head was pounding and it wasn't until I checked the clock when I realized how many times Jungkook had called and texted. I could barely remember what happened that night.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to freshen up. Over the sink was a big mirror and when I saw it I almost didn't recognize the guy staring back. What the hell happened to my face?!

My lip was busted, two cuts covered my right cheek and my left eye was all the colors of the rainbow. I remember now.


Uggh... Where am I? Who the hell-
"Hello Jimin we just want to talk, we are not going to hurt you." In front of me were two figures, one tall the other short, dressed in black hoodies and the masks. It's them.

"Just cooperate with us and you'll be fine!"  The other one said.


Yeah sure, won't hurt me my ass.

I snuck downstairs hoping not to wake anyone up and then I snuck into Lela's room. My plan was to use her makeup to cover all the bruises on my face but when I stepped into her room I found nothing.
Absolutely nothing.

Her room was completely empty. All of her furniture, her clothes, books and other things were gone. I stood in the doorway in shock until I heard some bad whistling. INEZ! Inez' shift must've started. The door was still open so I closed it and waited for Inez to walk by. She would most likely be heading down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my parents.

When I knew for sure she was gone, I snuck out and decided to go to her room instead.

I know nothing about makeup. At least not how to apply it. There is something called foundation, is that what you use first? I put some foundation on my face and it looked amazing. It really covered up all my bruises. The power of makeup, I guess.

All I needed to do now was get dressed and then I'd be ready for school. The figures said I should act like nothing happened. I can't do that if I don't show up.

I went back out into my bedroom to get a long sleeve shirt, a pair of jeans and some sneakers. But as quickly as I left the bathroom I saw Inez standing in the doorway to the hallway.

"I'm missing some makeup. Do you know anything about this?" She asked, raising her left eyebrow.

"No.." I answered, trying not to look her in the eye knowing that I can't lie.

"Yeah your face says it all." She just said. Then she walked over to me grabbed my arm and took me back into the bathroom. She fixed my makeup so that it would look more, what she called, "realistic".

"I can't let you go to school looking like a clown that tried to remove makeup with a cream pie." Inez said and laughed at my failed attempt of using makeup. "Do you want to tell me what happened to your face?" She continued. "Or is that a story for another day possibly?"

"Why would it be a story for another day?" I asked confused.

"Because you're late for school. Need a ride?"

///Author A

You're Different  {Jikook} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now