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Lela's pov~  Three days before the party

I went inside and was directly greeted by Seon Dook. How did she even get in her?

"Hi Lela! I was just here to see your brother do you know where he is, is he downstairs I'll go check!" She said without breathing.
"Seon Dook-ah calm down and breathe! You don't want to kill more brain cells then what you'll lose from being friends with that dummy! Yes he's downstairs. You know the way right?" I asked
"Of course! Actually before I go can I ask you something?" She looked at me like a lost little puppy.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Why were you sitting in the tree and shooting arrows?"
Damn, she saw me...
"No reason, I just wanted to see if the bow still worked." I lied.

She kept on asking me questions like: is it the bow Inez bought for us? The one we would always fight over? Why were you using it? Where did you find it? Why did we even fight over it do you remember?
But I wasn't listening. All I could look at was the figure outside the door. The same on that has been haunting me this whole week. It's been following me around everywhere and stalking me. And now, it was standing outside my front door, in broad daylight. With its mask. The one that looks like a red devil.

"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at it.
"What? I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to disturb you I'm sorry, I'll l-leave.." Seon Dook answered.
"No, Seon Dook-ah! I didn't mean you.." But she was already gone. And so was the devil. Maybe Jimin's geek friend was right? Maybe it's too dangerous? Should I cancel?

I ran up to my room and started writing. The letter. The one to him. He deserves to know.
When I finished it I signed it to me. If I write his name on it he probably won't care to open it. With my name on it, curiosity will get the best of him.

I'm going to start to update every 24 hours approximately but if I don't, it's probably because of school! XD
///Author A

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