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     We dream. We dream a lot. Some dream about peace, Some dream about people, and Some also dream about the future. That is why they are after us! I'm going to be honest...not all dreams are actually dreams, some of them are nightmares! But our nightmares are treasures to them. The Enders. They find us, and they attack us in our dreams!
     They have power! Power to kill! Not only in the real world, but in dreams. But that is not what scares us the most! What scares us the most is them taking away our powers to protect ourselves from them. If they ever get their hands on one of our dream catchers, the world will end a lot sooner than scientists once predicted.
     Our little dream catchers, are more than just string and straw. It catches all nightmares. If The Enders get to it, all of those nightmares that all of the tiny little dream catchers hold. Will soon become our reality...

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