Chapter 6

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   I'm just Dark, only Dark. Nothing more nothing less, just Dark...but I fell in love with a Dreamer. How? Why? Her name is Izzy, her nails are as sharp as a raven's claw, her hair as silky as a flower pedal, and her eyes...oh her eyes I could stare down into her deep dark soul forever.
    But she is a Dreamer, I cannot do this to my family tree, I cannot ruin the tradition of marrying into Alex's family, my true love was meant to be Alex, we were MADE for each other, literally! But the truth is...I've only talked to Alex once, and it was, "MOVE ALEX, YOU'RE IN THE WAY OF ME BLOWING THIS MF'S HEAD OFF," then I say quietly to myself, pardon my language. If Sir Halburphect ever found out I said that...I would be executed, burned at the stake, KILLED...

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