Chapter 1.

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I'm sorry if I have any errors I'll go back at the end and fix any mistakes.

I started to pack all my belongings in to my suit case. Everything is coming back to me the memories I'll be leaving behind all my childhood memories everything I lived for. Pretty soon I felt like I was starting a new life which I was. All my friends-just soon I was interrupted by Kathy my best friend

"Amiga,hurry you got less then 30mins."she uttered

"I'm going,just need my shoes and I'm done"

"Ellison I'm going to miss you,your the only one who had my back"she hugged me tightly

"Kathy I didn't 'had' your back because I still do,If any one does something just give me a call and I'll beat some ass."I hugged her back

She's like a sister to me I never had;you know we went through tough time together and everything we experienced

"Ha I will and you do the same, but call me often so I know your still alive"she took a step back and grabbed something from her bag. I wonder what it is..awe its a friendship bracelet "I want you to take this,so you can remember me"

"Awe thanks its beautiful"

Its had some initials on it. Its was E&K

"Your welcome now you must get going or you'll be late"she hissed

"Okay,fine say goodbye to Marco for me"I said with guilt in my voice

Marco is my other best friend since the first grade,well we got into a argument last week and he hasn't talked to me even though I tried calling him millions of times.

"I will don't worry he'll have to accept that you have to go,okay"

"Okay,now I'll get going"I gave her a last hug then put my suitcases in the back of the taxi cab

"Bye Ell."she waved

"Bye Kathy"I waved back and got on the taxi that took me to the airport. Now heading to Boston Massachusetts where my grandmother lives and the University I will be attending

I got off the plane and I made my way were my suitcases were at .I got mine and walk toward the exit.I took a taxi to Harvard University is where I'll be studying.

Hey fellow readers here's the first chapter its short but just a filler next chapter will be longer!!

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