•Chapter 3•

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I wake up to a loud scream erupting from the living room. I look at the time. 7 a.m seriously, what the hell. I get up to see what all the commotion was. There jumping on the couch was HyeRin with her phone shout yes' and finallys. Goodness what is wrong with that girl.
But she wasn't the only one the Moon Bin was there to watching her in amusement.

HyeRin- Oppa, can you believe it EXO's having a concert here! Kyaa I want to meet them so bad. Can we Oppa. The tickets are really cheap right now.

MoonBin- Sure, why not?

HyeRin- Jinjja?!, waah kansamida Oppa!

I watch (in jealousy) as HyeRin hugs Moonbin while jumping up and down. I just quietly walked back to my room and fell back asleep dreaming that was me, that she was hugging.


I'm so happy. Moonbin is really nice. I can't believe I'm going to see EXO live!!! It's already 9 so I need to wake everyone up for breakfast.
I was walking towards MJ's door to wake him up when I heard my name being called. I listened closer and realised it was coming from MJ's room. I wonder what's wrong. Is he sick? I crack open the door to see that he's still sleeping. What was wrong then? Whatever I can ask him later.
I walked towards him thinking of ways to wake him up. He's such a stubborn sleeper, just like Jihoon oppa.
First I try shaking him while calling his name. Doesn't work, of course. I was about to leave when suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me down to lay next to him.

Mj- Just five more minutes.hmm

Does he know what he's doing. Omo why is my heart racing?Not knowing what to do I just laid there. Well this isn't awkward at all. Note the sarcasm. I waited about five minutes before trying to wake him up again.

Me- MJ! Yah MJ!

MJ- What?!

Me- Your going to miss breakfast.

He slowly opened his eyes into a squint, but quickly widening them after realizing how close I was.

MJ- Why are u in my bed?!

Me- Ask yourself that your the one that pulled me down here.

I quickly jump out of the bed and ran down the hall all the way back downstairs.

San Ha- Where were you? We were all waiting for you and MJ to start eating. And speaking of MJ where is he too.

Me- Sorry I took so long MJ wouldn't budge from his bed no matter what I tried.

Moonbin- It's fine. Have a seat that lazy ass can eat later. Wait here sit next to me.

He pushed over San Ha who was sitting next to him. Poor San Ha. I sat down next to Moonbin and San Ha went to go sit next to JinJin and we started eating.

We all finished breakfast, well all except MJ who hasn't even woken up yet. Its already noon and we were deciding what we were going to do today.

Me- How about we watch a horror movie?

Everyone- Sure.

So here we are now, all except MJ getting ready to watch a horror movie. Moonbin asked me to sit next to him. I teased him by asking if he was going to be scared, and that's why he wanted me to sit next to him. He glared and said no I was going to protect you from the monsters. I just rolled my eyes and sat next to him.
-30 minutes into the movie-
Protect me my ass. Moonbin is currently screaming his scared little ass off while I just sit there while my arm loses circulation because of his tight grip on me. I swear this boy will be the end of me.
I felt someone sit next to me I look over to see MJ.

MJ- What are you guys watching?

Me- The conjuring 2.

He just nodded his head as a response.

Me- You haven't ate anything have you?

MJ- No, why?

Me-You need to eat to stay healthy and strong. Your body slows down when it doesn't have enough nutrients. Here come on let me make you some food.

MJ- No thanks I'd rather not die of food poisoning

Me- Shut up, the food you ate on the first day you guys started living here was what I cooked thank you very much.

He just rolled his eyes and smirked. Fine be that way I will drag you there if I have to.

Me- Come on.

He still didn't get up. Fine have it your way. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. I might not look like I'm really strong but I am. I easily got him to his feet and dragged him to the kitchen.


I glared at the back of MJ's head as he went with Hye Rin to the kitchen. Did he seriously need to come right now? Ugh I just faced the TV again to continue watching the movie with a slight frown on my face.

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