Head up, Crown on

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February 4, 2015

Today, the Accountancy Program conducted a screening to represent the school for the upcoming Annual Regional Convention (ARC). They are screening for the next Miss JPIA and I auditioned. The height is not a requirement and so I joined. It's a pageant-like audition.

I feel nervous. I represent the sophomores and I have three other competitors with me. Damn, they're pretty! The one who represents the Seniors is the prettiest. I was confident when I wrote my name on the list of official candidates but as I look at these girls beside me, I lost myself.  Since this is my first time joining a school pageant, I always think the Q&A Portion would cover all about Accounting thus before the show starts, I sit at the corner reading a book, the Basic Accounting.

"Candidates, please get ready. We are going to start in five minutes," says the organizer. I freeze. Good thing my bestfriend is here. Bless wishes me luck as I get on the stage. This is it. No turning back now, my mind says. I've been waiting for this day since last year when I was disappointed with our school's representative and I thought I could do better than her and so here I am, trying to do better. Now I understand how she felt.

The screening starts. We walked around the stage for the judges and the audience to see us. I'm nervous. But I keep my heads up and my smile bright. During the screening, I was the darling of the crowd. Thank God. We are only to show our casual dresses.

Question and Answer Portion. I get even more nervous. What if they'll ask me about Corporations when I only read the basics before the show started? What is the definition of Accounting again? I'm thinking deep now, too deep.
"Candidate No. 2, please step forward," the host says. Oh, number 1's done already? Wait. I'm not ready yet!

I stepped forward.

"How are you?"
"I'm fine."
"Okay. So here is your question. When the Pope came in the Philippines, a little girl asked him: 'If God sees everyone, then why is there still a lot of poor people like us?' If you were to speak for the Pope, what are you going to say?"

Woah. I don't know if I would feel relieved because it's not about accounting or tensed because I'm currently under pressure. I answered on the spot. I don't remember everything I said but my thought was 'God has plans.' 😊

"Thank you, Candidate Number 2! Candidate Number 3, please step forward." Wew! Finally. The agony is over! As I walk back to my place, I realized that I would not mind at all if I will win or not. As long as I'm finally done. I did my part.

I did not listen to the other candidate's answers. My presence is there but my mind wanders. I want to eat. Hey! Bless has chocolates!

I wanna get off the stage but then I heard "... Candidate Number 2!"

What happened?

"Congratulations! It is you who will represent the school this coming Annual Regional Convention!"

Everyone claps.

I am hungry.

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