Chapter 8

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The next few days were slow and gloomy. Danny had no awareness that Sam had kissed him and said she loved him, which Sam was grateful for, but at the same time wished he knew.

The day finally came to pick up Jazz. "Are you sure you're going to be alright by yourself?" Sam asked Danny. "Yeah I-I'll be fine. Just make sure Jazz doesn't go home." Danny's lip trembled when he said the word home. "Well, okay then. Just stay indoors." Sam responded before hugging Danny and going into the helecopter with Vlad and Tucker.

They arrived at the airport and landed the helecopter on the roof. The three of them waited for about half an hour, before Jazzes plane finally arrived. Jazz cheerfully walked off the plane, suitcase at hand, when she noticed Vlad, Sam, and Tucker. She walked over to them.

"What are you three doing here? And especially you Vlad?" She said 'Vlad' in an angry tone. "It's not the best idea to go home. It's, let's just say, not very safe. We've come to pick you up." Sam said. "Why is it not safe, and where is Danny?" Jazz asked suspiciously. "Danny is back at the mansion. It wasn't very safe for him to leave." Tucker said.

Jazz became worried. "Is Danny okay?" "Just come with us, we'll explain when we get back." Vlad said.

Jazz followed them back to the helecopter on the roof. The ride back was fairly quick. Jazz was the first one to get off. "Where's Danny?" She asked at once. Vlad told her where his room was, and she ran to it.

She was about to knock on his door, when she heard soft sobbing. She opened the door to see her little brother beaten up, curled into a ball, crying.

"Danny." She said running over to him, and wrapping her protective arms around him. "What happened to you?"

"I-I" *Sniffle* "Told mom and dad" *Sniffle* "The truth." *More sobbing* "They... Tried to kill me." Danny couldn't say anymore. He totally broke down after that. "Mom and Dad did this to you?!" Jazz said in complete and utter shock and horror.

She had never seen her little brother this broken before, not only physically, but mentally. "Oh Danny." She said, hugging her sibling even tighter. Jazz felt sudden anger and hatred towards her parents. 'How could they do this?!' Jazz thought. 'He's done nothing but good for people!'

Jazz stayed hugging her little brother for what felt like hours. Danny didn't object to his sister's comforting embrace, because even though she could be a pain sometimes, Danny loved having her around.

A sudden thought struck Danny. He sat up and stared straight into his sister's eyes with his defeated ones and asked, "Am I ever going to go home?" This quetion broke Jazzes heart and for once she just didn't know the answer. She sighed, "I don't know." Was all she could say.

Jazz wrapped her arms back around Danny, and began to stroke his soft jet-black colored hair. Jazz used to do this to comfort Danny when he was little.

They sat there for a while, when abruptly, Jazzes cellphone rang. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and frowned at the caller ID, 'Home'. Danny saw the caller ID too. "What do I do?" Jazz asked. "Answer it. They might get suspicious if you don't." Danny said.

Jazz nodded and answered the phone, "Hello?" "Jazz where are you? You were supposed to be here hours ago!" Maddie said in a worried way, as if finding out Danny was a ghost never even happened. Jazz was discusted by this. She thought quick then said, "Oh, my flight was delade, I don't know when I'll be boarding."

"Oh. Well, call us when you land I guess. Love you sweet heart." Maddie said disappointedly, then hung up.

Jazz looked over at Danny who just sat there in even more shock than he was already in. "They acted as if I never told them. As if everything was okay." Danny said, before changing into Phantom and flying through the ceiling.

Jazz sighed as she left the bedrom and down the hallway, to the room where Sam and Tucker were. She saw that they were playing video games. She sat down at the couch Danny sat in earlier, and closed her eyes.

"Is Danny doing any better?" Sam asked as she paused the game. "Not really, in fact I think he got worse." Jazz said, then began to explain what happened on the phone.

"That's so crule!" Sam yelled. They've loved Danny with all they're hearts for 14 years, but the second they find out he's the ghost boy, they just automatically reject him?! What's wrong with them!!" Sam was infuriated. She unpaused the game and went back to playing it, shooting everything in sight.

Now it was Jazzes turn to get angry, something she didn't do very often. "If you're so mad, then why don't you, including you too Tucker, do something about it instead of just sitting there playing video games!" Tucker threw the remote on the floor and stood up, "Hey! This is all we can do for now! Cause we have no idea what to do! Do you think we haven't tried!" Then Sam joined in, "Yeah! And obviously, Danny probably wants some alone time right now cause all of us, including you Jazz, have been doing is trying to make help Danny feel better! And whether he is even slighty better or not, I don't know! But it's killing all of us inside not knowing! So don't say we haven't been trying to do something about it!"

Jazz was about to retort, when all three of them saw Danny (As Phantom) float down from the ceiling, all the way to the floor. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz noticed all the rips and stains of blood still on his uniform. But Danny either didn't care or didn't notice, they didn't know which one.

"I'm sorry I'm causing you all to fight, and that I'm not anymore happier than I should be." There was a pause. "But I promise I'll try and make a better effort at it. Just please, don't fight anymore because of me." Danny finished. Before anyone could respond, Danny had already gone invisible and flew through the ceiling.

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