Chapter 1 ~Me...Joey~

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Joeys POV
Well hello there!, my name is Joey Graceffa I'm 17 and I go to Greenwoods High School in Boston Massachusetts (i don't actually know if that is a legit school so...). People have told me my whole life that High School will be the best four years if my life, well they are obviously pathological liars, or actually enjoy being tortured every single day.

You see I'm gay and people don't like that in my school. They don't like that I'm so open and proud about being gay, I mean it's who I am.

High School is like a maze you go through all these corners and paths and then eventually you're out, just like that, With me I feel like there will never be a way out if this hell, and that sucks.

High School isn't always bad I have my three best friends that I love so much, Meghan,David, and Hope. We have all been friends for as long as I van imagine, and they are so supportive of me being gay, especially David because he is gay as well!.

My home life is a little rough my mom struggles with alcohol and just never seems to not be drunk...which sucks let me tell you that, and my dad isn't around so I guess that's that, but I do have an amazing older sister Nicole that lives with my dad, she's amazing. So now that you have a run down of my life... Umm. Let us just find out more of it.

So this is my first fanfiction i have every written and I would really like some feedback and also comment if you like it as well it would be a lot to me!💗

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