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The singing echoed over all of the halls of the church. The sun at noon shined through the main window casting a multicolored light on the ground. As I sat in the back row with my family everyone got up and rose. I did the same not wanting to stand out. I was unusually tall so standing out was easy for me. In the middle of the room father Gregory stood bible on hand ready to deliver the sermon. The lighting shining down on how was blinding. He turned to some page in his book and started to read. "Here we are today to talk about the love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, the message today is of the practices of the occult." He paused and suddenly I had time to think about my life. I have been a devoted Christian but I still didn't agree with all of the beliefs. My sister Vivian who was one year younger than me, could recite pretty much any verse of the bible. All of my family seemed to have distinct talents. My mother could drive really well and could do some crazy stunts. My dad was incredibly good at speaking. My older brother knew just about everything about movies. As I thought this I realized that everyone was sitting down and I was the last one up. I felt really nervous being the only one standing up so I slowly began to sit down. My mom looked at me and quietly said " don't do this again Helen." I knew she was pretty mad at me when me and my brother had gone off to the grocery store and taught me how to shoplift. My mom was obsessed with my transformation into a teen. I sat down just in time for father Gregory to read his bible and I listened as he told us about the horrors of hell and how the occult practices seemed to be evil and demon related. As I said before I don't always agree with Christianity so I tried to listen but I couldn't. I suddenly wanted to be outside of the church. Away from this. Maybe in the park. Suddenly I feel this weird sensation and suddenly the church seemingly zoomed out of view. I was no longer in the church but I could still hear father Gregory. I zoomed past the ground as I went through a few fields and turned and suddenly I was in a park. I should have freaked out but this felt natural. I looked around to see kids playing. I suddenly knew that something that happened. I tried to come back to the church away from the park and a few seconds later I was back in the church. My dad was staring at me like I was crazy and I realized I had been giving a blank look. He took my hand suddenly and started to calmly walk me out of the main section of the church. While I was walking I was pondering how to use my new ability. The normal part of me was freaked out and scared. I didn't want this vision to be a fake. I was the kind of person who liked fiction and I had always wanted to be like the people in the books I read. Having this weird vision seemed to be the first thing towards maybe making my life different. I know that there are probably government facilities out there full of people like me but I could think of the possibility that maybe I was the only one in the world who could do this. It was one vision but I knew I should try more. I walked with my father and told him I wanted to go to the bathroom and then I knew that I would try to figure out more about my weird vision there. My father looked at me concerned as I walked away.

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