Mutagen Mayhem

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Leo was the first to find a way in. Raph then Julie followed suit with Donnie, Mikey, Sophie and I in the back. It was odd to be standing on an invisible force to where I could see the ground. Almost made me nauseated. But as soon as we were inside the Ship I saw ground under my feet and relaxed while getting my weapons. Everyone else was in a fancy pose as if it were supposed to intimidate Kraang.

With a few screeches from the Kraang, I noticed there were two at the hangar where the ship was controlled and a third behind us. I made sure to keep an eye on it just in case it shot at us. But one of the duo from the control center spoke in their forever monotone voice, "It is the ones who call themselves the Turtles." Then the third one flew above my head and joined the last two while speaking as well from their flying saucers, "Kraang, we must alert Kraang."

"Only three blobs of brain?" I heard Julie ask, almost curious as to why so few had been sent on this mission.

Raph scoffed, "We can take them."

"In our sleep," Leo added.

"With," Mikey continued the sentence as if it were a word game. "Our eyes closed."

It was then that behind me where the third Kraang was came a deep robotic sound. I stiffened up and all of us turned, grabbing our weapons. At first it was all smoke and fog to where we couldn't see anything, or at least I couldn't anyway. But with a few stomping thuds from its feet, a blue gorilla-like thing emerged from the smoke.

"Oh, sewer apples," I heard Mikey mutter.

"Where's its head?" Julie's voice piped up, grabbing her bow. "Do we fight things headless?"

Before I knew it, the ape was swinging its arms at us, lazily even as if we weren't worthy of its time. We all hopped at it, trying to get at it, but we weren't expecting the lazy speed it was going toward the three Kraang hovering. I tried to get on it by hiding behind Donnie before lunging but it knocked me away as well. I was upside down as I watched one of the Kraang bots merge in the top part of the "bio-droid" they called it. A Kraang was now the head of the ape droid.

As soon as I sat up, I looked at the bio-droid and found it roaring loudly with its arms up, a pair of saws with long rope coming from it's chest region. I gulped and looked at everyone else. They were starting to get up as well, prepared for battling.

"Maybe we were a little cocky..." Sophie muttered.

Raph turned to her, "A little? Really?"

Before Sophie could reply, the droid interlaced both hands above its head to slam down. With a quick reaction, I grabbed Sophie and pushed her and myself out of the way as the Bio-droid slammed its fists into the floor of the stealth ship. It left a small dent.

A buzzing sound behind me made me roll off Sophie and hold up a sword in time to see one of the saws trying to cut through the steel and to me. Sophie grabbed her Wakizashi and, with a swift movement, cut down on the rope connecting the saw to the bio-droid. It didn't fall off as I had hoped, but rather got an indent with wires. A scream from the blue ape told me we did hurt it.

The others soon got into the fight, Leo and Raph fighting off the other saw and rope. Mikey and Julie went for the Kraang brain the bio-droid was using as a head but soon got knocked away. I saw Mikey almost get hit with the saw that Sophie and I had damaged but he rolled out of the way. A door opened where the droid's saw hit and I saw a dim glowing light.

"Mutagen!" I screamed, eyes wide at how much the Kraang were actually caring. The Bio-droid heard me and kicked me down, planting his foot on me to keep me down. I struggled and jabbed a sword into it's leg a few times but the weight of the droid wouldn't let up.

Everyone had seen the shipment now. Leo and Sophie tried to get the bio-droid off me, but Leo was soon knocked away. A second later, the  bio-droid tripped up, allowing me to wiggle free of its grasp. I rolled and stood up, slashing at the cords the droid was flinging around with the saws. It soon grabbed me and Julie who was only a few feet away and started swinging up around in a large circle. The passing vision of the stealth ship made me dizzy and I eventually closed my eyes. The power and speed we were going were making me sick and both Julie and I were screaming in fright, powerless to do anything.

About a minute passed by before the spinning stopped and I was thrown across the stealth ship, slamming into a wall. I heard clanking beside me and everyone screaming out. Opening my eyes, I saw Mutagen canisters rolling off the holders they were in and down to the floor and out a bottom opening of the Stealth Ship.

Mutagen was released into the city and we were powerless to do anything.

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