Soul Eater Dark Roses

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The chilly air nipped at Damon's skin. He was cold already, deathly ill, so the wind wasn't helping much.

As he walked the night streets, nowhere to go, he stumbled upon a coffee shop. Not being able to afford anything, he could still try to get warm, right? Not thinking straight, he made his way inside and sat down at a booth. It was very warm inside, making him realize just how cold he really was.

As he sat there, he lye his head on his crossed arms on the table. He started to doze off, and he would have if the waitress wouldn't have nudged his shoulder.

"Ya okay there, hun?" She asked in a southern accent.

Damon just starred at her for a bit before he shook his head yes.

"Are ya sure? Ya don't look so well! I could get ya somethin' and I'll pay, my own?" The waitress offered.

Damon would've smiled if he could've felt his face. It was too much, though, it was completely numb. Instead, he just nodded his head, letting her know that he liked that idea. She reached behind her and grabbed a smaller sized menu.

"I'm Nora, by the way."

Finally being able to get some words out, Damon spoke, "Damon."

"Really? I have a brother named Damon. He ran away, though," Nora said. "He never did come back."

Damon just looked at her for a bit. He had ran away from home two years ago when he was fifteen, making him seventeen right now.

"How old are ya, sunny?" She asked, giving him a nickname.

"Seventeen." He replied.

"Oh that's nice. I'm four years older than you!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

Damon thumbed through the menu and found everything looked great. He hasn't eaten in a couple of weeks, and he was kind of enjoying losing pounds and pounds a day. It hadn't occurred to him how hungry he actually was until he saw raspberry pie, something he hated, and actually thought it looking appetizing.

"French Vanilla cappuccino." Damon said.

She smiled, realizing he had said more than one word. It was just two more words and it was basically one thing, but still progress.

"Comin' right up, sunny." Nora said, taking the menu away with her.

Damon leaned back in his seat and looked around. He may seem unusual, but he was just like everyone else. Not well with his social skills. Especially since he hasn't talked to anyone in two years. Maybe even longer. He went mute for the longest time with his family. There was nobody that he hung out with at school except for Jay. She was completely mute, barely even looked him in the eye.

Damon ran his fingers through his longish black hair. It was slightly greasy. He showered three days ago and had it cut about a month ago. It wasn't the best shower, though. He had that "emo" look. He had snakebites, an eyebrow piercing, and his tongue pierced. His nose wasn't too long or too small, a little pointy at the end, but it was just right. He had blue, almost white, eyes. They were really catchy, kind of like an Alaskan husky eyes.

As he was about to get up and leave, feeling like an intruder, the waitress tapped his shoulder. Damon tensed up and turned around, his face expressionless. On the inside, though, he was scared as hell.

"Where are ya goin, sunny?" Nora asked, a bit hurt that he was leaving.

He became less tense and watched her a second more before he sat back down in the seat. Nora handed him his cup and made herself a spot in the booth as well. She let him have his moment. Damon took a swig of the drink and closed his eyes, enjoying the nice sensation. Nora smiled at his expression and put her hands together.

"You like it, don't you?" She asked.

Damon just shook his head and sat the cup down, knowing she was wanting to talk.

"So, do ya have a home to go to?" She asked, believing he probably did since this wasn't quite the town to have homeless people.

He shook his head no, and looked down. Nora frowned and looked away. She started to debate whether or not she should offer him a place to stay, or to just offer him money. She stuck with the former.

"Well, my house has three empty rooms. Ya can stay there for free for a bit." Nora said, her mother instincts to keep someone safe, kicking in. She has a daughter, had her when she was thirteen. You might think she's a whore, but in reality, her father wasn't the best man out there. He had raped her. Her daughter is now eight years old.

Nora doesn't regret her daughter because she's the best miracle ever, but she does regret what had happened. She had to move with her Aunt once everyone, including DHS, had found out what really happened. She wasn't ever made fun of at school either.

"Okay." Damon said.

"so, was that a yes?" Nora asked excitedly.

"Mhm." He said, shaking his head.

Nora squealed, grabbing the attention of other customers, and clapped her hands. For some reason, she was too excited. Damon pushed the bad thoughts away and thought about how his new life was going to be.

He finished the rest of his drink, slowly and Nora told the others she was leaving early for an emergency. She gathered her things, looked back at Damon, and then turned to walk out to her car.

As they were making their way to her place, in a Corvette, he started to think that this wasn't going to be that bad. For one, she's rich, and for two, she's extremely nice.

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