Soul Eater

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   It was a sunny afternoon, twelve o'clock. Nobody had even bothered to wake Damon up. He didn't need to be woken up, he needed all of the rest that he could possibly get. Gathering his surroundings, he smiled at how nice everything looked. Nothing looked out of place, just the way he liked his things.

   Waking up completely, he stretched his arms out wide and let out a yawn. It seemed quite early to be up at this time for him but he knew it wasn't early for all the other people. Bringing his legs off the side of the bed, he stretched more and rubbed his eyes. He had quite a bit of crust on the edges and that disgusted him greatly. Flinging himself out of bed, he gave one last look at the room. This was way too organized for someone to have occupied it previously.

   The bed was in the far right of the room, a single. The night stand was close by with a lamp occupying it. The hard wood floors were way to silky clean. There was a dresser that was on the other side with a giant walk in closet. There were two windows to look out of. The blinds that covered the windows were a deep chocolate brown. To say this room was beautiful was a complete understatement.

   Damon walked down the stairs, very cautious of where he was going. He didn't want to look like an intruder, but he also didn't want to look like a lingerer. Just the thought of someone seeing him sneaking around like he was made him cringe. It was like he was doing something so wrong but in reality, it was nothing to someone else. Especially the sweet girl he had met at the café. He really didn't want to upset anyone. That was one thing he was really good at doing and that was upsetting people he knew or didn't know.

   Making his way to the bottom of the stairs, he followed the smell of what seemed like fish. They must be having lunch already. He followed the smell, hoping his senses worked as well as he thought they would. When he came into a room that looked to be the kitchen, he knew he had found the right spot. Nobody was in the kitchen at this point in time, but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was get all the food he could possibly get his greedy hands on. He normally wasn't this greedy, but he is now since it's been forever since he's eaten.

    As he was making his way over to the stove, he heard a sigh someone knock on the kitchen door that probably never even got used. Quickly, he turned around and flinched. She seemed to notice his odd actions and looked down, knowing why he had flinched. It was obvious. People don't just flinch when you're about ten feet or so away from them.

   "Hi," Damon said shakily.

   "So, you found yourself to the food, I see. Go ahead, make your plate," Nora said excitedly, wide smile in place.

   He found her to be so motherly. Making his plate, he heard little footsteps come running down the hallway that was by the stairway. Nora had mentioned she had a kid, right? Or maybe he was just daydreaming. Not knowing for sure, he looked up. When he looked up, it was a very beautiful sight. It was a little girl, around five to ten. She smiled lovingly at her mother and jumped into her arms. Nora caught her without difficulties and spun her around in small circles.

   As the spinning came to a small halt, the little girl then noticed Damon looking at them with a longing look. He had never been in a family with that much love that Nora and her little girl had. It was beautiful. The little girl looked at him strangely, her head cocked to the side, mouth open slightly. Nora noticed her daughter and smiled at the both of them.

   "Leah, this is Damon. Damon, Leah," Nora introduced. "Damon will be staying with us for quite some time until he can find himself a house and live on his own."

   "Hi," Leah said shyly. "I'm Leah, and I am eight years old. You can call me Lee though, if you want to."

   Damon smiled at the girl and went up to her. She looked at him puzzled and then suddenly smiled up at him. She put her hand out for him to shake. He took it and smoothly gave her a handshake. With a loving smile, he then said, "Nice to meet you, Leah."

   Leah looked at him with complete love and smiled a huge smile. She's always liked the name Leah better than Lee, but other people seemed to think completely different. Everyone else has always called her Lee and not Leah. She finally met someone who understood her style of names. 

Damon found a spot in the dining room to eat his lunch. It was a nice sized house. Especially for just two people. With him being there, it could probably become just a bit crowded if he were to have everything a normal person did have. Once he sat down, he slowly began to eat the fish. It was super good. He still wasn't used to eating that much at a time, so he wasn't planning on scarfing the whole plate down.

By the time he had finished not even half his fish, he leaned back, already quite full. About that time, Nora came in to collect his plate, thinking he'd already had it gone by now, seeing as he was a guy and guys ate way too much food. When she saw his plate, she frowned slightly.

"You're not hungry, sunny?" Nora asked.

"No," Damon said simply. He watched her carefully, making sure to not upset her much.

Nora smiled brightly, making Damon a bit confused. She took the plate and called out for Leah. She came running in and smiled at Damon then looked up at her mom.

"You want to show Damon the fun room?"

Leah shook her head vigorously and ran up to Damon. Damon tensed at the sound of her saying the fun room. That was one of the rooms that he absolutely hated. He was sure that Nora doesn't mean that kind of fun room, though. Nor Leah, she wouldn't do that, would she?

Seeing Leah's outstretched hand, he decided to trust her and followed her actions. Stretching out his hand and giving it to Leah, she lead them through what seemed like many hallways. It was only one, but it went it little circles, which made it seem a bit bigger than a normal hallway. Leah still had that big smile of hers in place and squeezed his hands a couple of times.

"The fun room has a lot of cool stuff in it. Like, a massive television, toys, dolls, playstations of all sorts, and a pool table. I don't get to mess with the pool table, though, mom says it's for the grown ups and people like your age. There's a whole bunch of other stuff in there too," Leah babbled on and on, making Damon smile a bit. He eased up and became less tense when he heard what was all in the fun room.

Leah stopped abrubtly and turned to look at Damon. Damon looked down at her with his eyes furrowed. "You don't talk much, do you?"

Damon frowned and looked away. He hated the way she had said that, with so much pain. It reminded him of his sister and the way she would question him on why he didn't ever want to talk to her. He wasn't quite the talker. He had really let down way too many people in his life.

"That's okay, though. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I don't mind at all."

Damon smiled at the little brown headed girl and she then kept walking down the hall. Finally making it to a different room, they entered. Damon was still a little hesitant to enter the room, not knowing what he was going to find in there. He scolded himself for being afraid of what an innocent eight year old can do. It's not like she'd know how to use a knife or anything.

When he entered, he was amazed. There were pictures of famous people on the baby blue walls. The television really was massive. He's never seen one that big in his life. Not even at the television places where his mom used to take him when he was around five or six, he never saw one as big. This house was completely amazing, and that's an understatement.

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