Chapter Two

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Allison's POV

10:55 AM, the bell for first lunch rings. The class scrambles around packing their belongings away to hurry to lunch or their next class. I personally take my time leaving class; not worried about being late to eat, but also because I don't feel like being trampled trying to exit the class.

I go to my locker and put away my shit so I won't have to carry it. 

"Why aren't you at lunch? I'm usually the late one." I turn around and see Blake walking up to him locker beside mine.

"Eh just took my time today" I close my locker, leaning against it.

"Ah okay." Blake shuts his locker and we walk to lunch together. When we get to 'our table' I'm not surprised at the setting in front of me. I see Lexis, Lucas, and Piper all in their normal spots and Michael with some skinny white chick in his lap. 

Blake and I approach the table and take our seats. 

"No you couldn't she wouldn't let you do that" Lucas says glaring at Michael. I glance back and fourth between the two shooting them both a confused look.

"Why not she's hot and we're cool" he says and the girl placed in his lap simple stands up and leaves. Michael stares at her ass as she walks away and glares back at Lucas. "I'm telling you I can. Right?!" Michael raises his voice slightly at the last part looking towards Piper and Lexis.

"I don't know Mick that all depends on her" Piper says while taking a bite of her salad. "Bruh, fucking do it" Lexis says smirking at Michael.

"The hell is going on?" I ask butting into their conversation.

"Nothing past normal. Lucas it's a bet. Eighty bucks says I can" Michael says flashing his wallet at Lucas.

"Then so be it Mickey", Lucas says leaning back in his chair snickering "she knows better, she knows you."

What the hell is happening?

The bell for class sounds and we all get up and head to class.

The rest of the day goes by relatively quick. I got to my locker and grab my things and my skateboard, heading out of school. I put in my ear buds and turn on Paramore then start skating home.

 I'm about 3/4 of the way home when my phone buzzes. 

'Mick: hey hold up at next stop sign, I need to talk to you'

"Mmk then" I say quietly slowing to a stop while growing close to the stop sign by our houses.

Michael soon skates up and hops off his board chunking it in the grass, then sitting on it.

"OKAY ALLY, so wanna come over this Saturday I'm having just our little group of friends over and wanted to see if you could." He announces very anxiously and rushed.

"Uh sure, but why couldn't you just text that to me?" 

"Because I need some help", He says nodding towards his house "Come on".

"Your wish is my command your highness" I mutter following behind him.

"Shut up bitch", He grumbles laughing lightly at my comment "You know you love me." 

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