Chapter Seven - Luke

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Luke sat in agony as his last class dragged on. Ell was with Beal, a literal demon, and Luke couldn't get free to make sure she was okay. Surely, Bael wouldn't act out in such a public place? This was the only thought Luke had to comfort himself until the final bell rang, and he could seek her out.

The more the fear and anger consumed his mind, the more difficult Luke found it to hold onto his glamour and conceal his true form. His hair hands vibrated with the effort of containing his celestial form. Wary students leaned away from him, as far as their desks would allow. Luke's eyes glared at the clock, daring it to keep him here any longer




And he was off.

As soon as the bell rang, Luke flew up from his seat and disappeared out the door before anyone else even realized what was happening. Immediately, he headed toward the gym, searching out Ell. He arrived at the gym in record time, throwing open the door and launching himself in, hoping to see Ell's sweet face turn toward him.

Startled faces turned towards the door and stared at him in confusion. Luke's eyes jumped from face to face, but he didn't see the one he was hoping for.

Am I in the wrong place? Luke looked around. No, this is definitely the PE Gym. But where is Ell?

Luke's mind was in freak out mode, running through all the possible solutions like a super computer. Maybe she went home early? Or injured herself in gym? That wouldn't be such a stretch considering her ungraceful ways. But then Luke's mind turned to less savory possibilities.


Bael wasn't in the room either.

How could he be so stupid? He knew what Bael was and why he was here. How could he leave her with him? As soon as he saw Bael walking into gym with her, he should have intervened. Instead, he trusted his brother too much, just like last time...

She was the one. Luke was sure of it. How could anyone be more perfect than her? She was so full of light and laughter, so different from his world of darkness and pain. Luke was sure she would be the one who saved him, who pulled him out of this hell. As he looked down into her eyes, Luke only had one thought.

He was in love with Amelia Palmerlee McCullen.

The year was 1925, the prime of the Roaring Twenties, and the happy-go-lucky attitude of the decade had infected even Luke. He'd first met Amelia at a speakeasy in Chicago, and he was sure it was true love. Amelia was a source of light in his life. After the war, Luke was ready to give up on his quest. What was the point when the world was full of such darkness? Better to stick with the devils he knew.

But Amelia had changed him, reinvigorated him. Now Luke was ready to commit himself, to take the leap. He had already decided that tonight he would tell her the three magic words that could save him. If she repeated them back that is.

Luke waltzed into the restaurant, exuding confidence. And why shouldn't he? He was meeting the most wonderful woman in the whole world. In history, in his opinion. As he walked towards the table, she turned and gave him her most dazzling smile. Taking a big sigh, Luke took hold of his nerves and joined her at the table.

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "How are you tonight, sweetheart?"

"All the better that you're here," she smiled at his sweetness. So, what's on the agenda for tonight?"

"Well, I thought we could take a stroll on the pier. I have something important I want to share with you."

"Then I guess I better eat quickly!"

The rest of the dinner was wonderful, one of the best evenings of Luke's long life. Amelia charmed him and he became even more sure in his plan. After eating, they began their stroll to the waterfront.

As the moment got closer, Luke got more and more nervous. They walked hand in hand to the end of a mostly empty pier. Luke knew he would need some privacy for this conversation. They took a seat at the end of the pier, their feet dangling over the edge. At first Luke couldn't find his voice. He couldn't begin to explain his life, his feelings.

Amelia could sense his hesitation, "Its okay, Lucas. Whatever you have to say." She smiled her encouragement at him.

Taking a deep breath, Luke tried to explain, "Amelia, there's so much about me, about my family, that I haven't shared with you, and I need to before we can go any farther." Luke looked away to collect his confidence before continuing, "I'm not hum-" Suddenly, Luke felt a breeze against his cheek, and he turned around to look at Amelia.

But she was gone. He leapt to his feet, looking around in terror. He couldn't let this happen again. His eyes met a familiar face. Leviathan. The Third Prince of Hell. He had Amelia trapped in his arms, and hand covering her mouth so that only the smallest of whimpers could be heard.

"Please, Lev, don't do this," Luke begged. "You said you wouldn't be one of Father's henchmen anymore! You said you would help me!"

"Oh, Lucifer, you are aware that I cannot allow this. Father would be quite displeased if you ruined his plans. She simply has to go."

Amelia's eyes grew wide with terror as the reality of her situation sank in. She began to struggle with renewed energy.

Lev merely shushed her, "Calm yourself, madam. No need to be afraid. It will be entirely painless."

Just as Luke leaned forward to attack his brother, arms like roped steel cables wrapped around him, keeping him in place.

A booming voice echoed in his ears, "Oh just get it over with, Leviathan! I've got better ways to spend my time than running Father's errands."

Luke knew he was defeated. Berith, Prince of Wrath, didn't get his nickname because of his anger. No one could rival his brute strength.

Luke changed targets, "Please, Bear! You're my brother!"

Bear laughed out loud at Luke's plight, "Lucifer, this is what you get for always thinking you're better than the rest of us."

Luke was lost. He didn't have a plan. There was no escape in sight. Instead, he locked eyes with Lev, "Please, brother, at least allow us our final words."

Lev considered his brother for a long moment before giving a small nod, "As you wish, Lucifer." He removed his hand from Amelia's mouth.

She looked at Luke with so much love in her eyes, "Looks like it's the end, Casanova. I always knew you were too good to be true." She choked back a sob.

Luke was amazed at her bravery. Even facing death, she thought only to comfort him. Luke's face twisted into a rueful smile, "It's all going to be alright, sweetheart." Bear poorly stifled a laugh. Luke ignored him and continued, "Just look me in the eyes. I love you so much."

Amelia's eyes softened at his confession, "I lov-"

Suddenly, her voice cut off and her heartbeat stilled. Amelia Palmerlee McCullen was gone, and so was Luke's heart. He fell to the ground as his brothers left the scene of their murder, his soul broken into pieces.


Luke shook off the memory. He wouldn't let Ell to be like Amelia. He was going to save her, and maybe himself along the way.  

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