Movies and Trinkets

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Movies and trinkets

He drove to The One Hotel, which is one of the high-end hotels and shopping destinations in the city.  He led me towards the back and we reached the entrance to a stadium.

He handed two tickets at the entrance, which meant that he’s already purchased the tickets beforehand.

“Are we going to watch a game?”  I asked him.  “I thought you said you were going to take me to the movies.”

“The purpose of first dates is usually to find something in common with each other.”  He replied instead.  “Now, I know, both you and I do not have patience as one of our virtues.”

I rolled my eyes.

“And refrain from rolling your eyes a lot.  Will intimidate the guy.  Unless you’re not aiming for a second date.”  He said.

I sighed.  I didn’t ask questions anymore.  Travis will not answer any of it.  He’s taking this educational date seriously.  Maybe I should too.  This is for me anyway.

It does look like we are going to a movie house.  Travis opened a door and motioned for me to go in first.  But when I stepped in, I was surprised to find that I have stepped outside an open area.  There were knee-high tables with candles in the center and bean bags on each side of it and a large projector screen in the middle.  It was like a restaurant, but instead of chairs, you have comfortable bean bags to sit on.

“I told you I was going to take you to the movies.”  He whispered to my ear.  I can feel his breath against my neck that I actually shivered.

“Movies Under the Stars.”  I breathed.  I have heard about this but not many of the kids my age actually went.  Not many of us can actually afford it.

We were led to our table. I found the bean bags were more comfortable than they look.  It was very relaxing.  A waiter approached us to take our orders.

“I’m still full.”  I said.

“Soda?  Nuts?  Popcorn?”  Travis asked.

I smiled.  “Pepsi and nuts will do.”

“Macadamia nuts and two diet Pepsis.”  He told the waiter.

We waited for the movie to start.

“This is really nice.”  I said to him.

“I’m glad you like it.”  He said.  “Enjoying your date so far?”

I nodded.  “Although, if it wasn’t you, I might feel intimidated.”  I said.

The waiter served our orders and told us to press the button on the table if we need more services.

“Why?”  He asked after the waiter was gone.

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