Chapter 2: The Idea

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"So let me get this straight," says Fury with a confused look on his face.
"Ahh, how many times are we gonna go over this? My name is Barry Allen, I'm a forensic scientist from Central City that's all."

"NO, that's not all," Fury now getting frustrated, "When you came out of that portal you were followed by red lightning, I've seen that kind of thing before but it was blue and that guy is dead, so Mr Allen let me ask you something, are you just a forensic scientist from Central City? Which by the way I've never heard of, or is there something else about you that you're not telling me," Fury now staring Barry down as if to insist he's hiding something.

"Ok, ok,  a few years ago I was struck by lightning after a particle accelerator exploded, I woke up a few months later and I had super speed. Central City, which is real by the way, refers to me as The Flash."

"So you're a speedster?"
"Yes, and just for the record, I don't appreciate you saying my hometown doesn't exist, we can't all be like Metropolis or Gotham or even Star City for that matter."

Fury turns to face Barry, the look in his eyes sends chills down Barrys spine...
"What," says Barry with fear in his eyes...
"Did you just say Metropolis?"
"Yes, why, do you know it?"
"I did once, I know one of the citizens there"
"Really? Who?"
"Does Superman ring any bells?"
Barrys feared look immediately turns into a huge smile...

"No way, you know Superman? That's so epic, you gotta introduce me," Furys look of irritation slowly causes Barry to calm down as Fury answers...
"Yes I do know Superman," Fury pauses for a moment and with a still look on his face says...
"I have an idea."

Barry gazes out the window at what appears to be a storm beginning to commence...
"Uhm, I'm no weather man but I don't think that's a normal storm," Fury turns to the window, notices the storm...

"Around here that storm is pretty normal, you're about to meet a very pissed off viking." Just then a beacon of light emerges from the sky revealing a muscular, long blonde haired man wielding a hammer. The man enters the S.H.I.E.L.D base and walks into the interrogation room where Fury and Barry are situated. The room echos as the cry of a mans name fills the atmosphere of the room...

"FURY," Fury turns to Barry...
"Told ya he's pissed"
"You said it would be safe here Fury, you said it would be protected, now it's in the hands of Thanos, you've doomed us all Fury."

"We were caught off guard Thor," Thor stares at Fury very confused...
"Who's we?" Fury looks at Thor and with disappointment in his voice says...
"Vision took a hit, Thanos removed his gem," Thor with anger in his eyes walks over to Fury and raises him by his neck into the air. With Fury struggling to breath Barry reacts and says...
"Whoa, whoa, whoa big guy put him down it wasn't his fault," with confusion in his eyes Thor asks Fury...

"Who's the child Fury?" Fury trying to get a word out says...
Thor meet..." before Fury could finish his sentence Thor was surrounded by red lightning and Fury was taken out of the air and put safely back on the ground in a matter of seconds. Fury, now having caught his breath, finishes his sentence...

"Barry Allen, The Flash." Thor, being quite impressed, lowers his hand and says...
"Aren't you dead? And weren't you blonde?" Fury, rolling his eyes, let's out a soft sigh and answers Thor...
"This isn't Pietro Thor," Thor, eyeing down Barry, says, with confusion in his voice...
"It's nice to meet you Flash"
"Thanks, you to, I've always wanted to meet a bearded lady," Thor face drops as Barry notices irritation in his eyes. Trying to break the tension, Barry quickly turns to Fury and says...
"So what do we do?" Thor, answering with pride in his voice...
"Well that's simple, we call upon The Avengers," Fury, looking disappointed, says to Thor...
"You haven't been around lately Thor, The Avengers aren't exactly on speaking terms........ but I think I can persuade them," Furys expression changes immediately...
"I'm gonna head over to Steve now, in the mean time Thor, run Barry through what's happened, when I get back we'll all head to Azgard, Thor make sure Heimdall has the gate ready"
"The mans over a thousand years old, he has nothing better to do,"
Fury heads out to find Steve Rogers as Barry asks Thor...
"What's Azgard?" Thor, now with a sly look on his face turns to Barry and says...
"it's a place where a sense of humour such as yours is not taken to likeing." Barry watches as Thor leaves the room, and his last words, with great disappointment in his voice, says...

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