Day 1

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I unloaded my bags with the help of the taxi driver and proceed towards my new home. Lattice work leaves crept up the side of the apartment. The lobby appeared rather welcoming. I looked around absorbing the setting. "Looks like this is gonna be my new home!" I thought to myself as I entered the elevator. It came to a stop at level two as a strikingly charming man strolled in. He is about a head and a half taller than me. His slouching shoulders and slightly fair skin made him look tired.

In a daze, I gave him a lazy smile and asked, "Which floor are you going to?" Without saying anything, he bent forward and pressed five.

One sec, did he just ignore me? Geez thanks neighbor. Guess this is what they meant by "looks is not everything".

The atmosphere thicken as I awkwardly turned my back towards him, pretending nothing happened. I was pissed and embarrassed at the fact that my friendly gesture was brushed away like dirt. I felt so transparent and disrespected. When the doors opened, I immediately picked my bags and walked away.

Two individuals, One elevator Where stories live. Discover now