Sweet Macaroon

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(Sorry for the cruddy drawing! I made that before when I still don't know how to draw digital art stuff. 😁)

Name: Sweet macaroon

Nickname: Macaroon, sweetie, sweet, Mac, Mac-and-sweet

Age: same as mane 6

Gender: female

Type of pony: earth pony

Family: princess lily emerald (sister) (she's not royal, though)

Lives at: the secret garden (my made up place)

Likes: Baking, animals, sweets, helping her sister

Dislikes/weaknesses: extremely shy, afraid of the dark

Coat color: silver

Mane style: black and straight

Personality: kind, shy, good at baking, sweet to friends and family

More about the pony:
She's very shy and rarely goes out at night because of her fears. She loves baking and animals. She is an earth pony, but she has a sister that is an Alicorn. She has a strong craving for sweets and deserts which is why they ran out of sweets most of the time. She always wears a green clip on her mane.

Cutie mark: a macaroon and a pink rolling pin

Appears on: RPs

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