One Direction's Doctor.

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After 5 hectic years of studies I had finally achieved my degree. Hi friends! I am Amanda Willington. I have recently shifted to London for my further studies and of course for some independence. I used to stay in Texas with my parents before but now I have come here to live my life and live it my way. I dream of becoming a successful doctor in future and London is just the place. I have presently rented an apartment and am staying alone in it. Thankfully money is not a problem for me as my father has a good business in Texas. I unlocked the door and entered my house. I had just gone for a walk and I needed to find a job to drive away my boredom. I switched on my laptop and typed:" Jobs in London for personal doctors." and clicked ENTER. A number of results came. I saw one with the heading. " Personal doctor needed by Modest! Management." A decent salary was also mentioned. I dialed the number given and called them. I said," Hello. I am Amanda Willington. I just saw your advertisement for the post of personal doctor. I want to apply for it..okay...I'll email you my  resume right away. Thanks. Have a good day!" Okay that was good. I emailed them my entire resume and went for a bath. I was listening to my favourite song : More than this by One Direction. I really love that boyband. They tell me stuff which I expect a guy to tell me.They make me feel really special. Thanks to them. I then made some food and watched ," Toy Story" and dozed off to sleep. Suddenly my phone rang. I lazily picked it up. " Hello?" I said. " Hi Amanda. I am Marcus from Modest! Management. We received your email and we really liked your resume. You have been invited for an interview to our office, tomorrow at 10am sharp. Try to look professional and carry your resume with you. Thanks and goodnight." " Goodnight." I said and hanged up. I couldn't believe it. Modest! had just called me...I needed to be ready for tomorrow. You gotta do this Amanda!.

*Hey guys! I know the chapter is small but I promise to upload big chapters soon! I hope you like it, 5 votes for next chapter and follow me !!. Love y'all :)xx

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