Untitled 04

16 3 1

I am nobody's child
I am from the cigarette butts on the floor
holes in the walls and broken doors
I am the high expectations that were never met
I am the dust on the floor that was never swept
there has to me more to me
more than this...
I dig and I search and
I just don't see what i yearn to see
which is beauty
I am nobody's child

I am the mistake that tried but couldn't quite get erased
I am the meal that was skipped for a tinier waist
I am from the blade that drained every last bit of childhood i had left
I am nobody's child

I just want you to love me
I stand at your door waiting for you to invite me in
telling me that everything is going to be okay
but instead..
Im left standing in your doorway

Mommy i'd protect you with my life
but you would rob me of being in your presence
to keep a man that wouldn't keep you

How many scars do you have to see
how many pills do I have to digest in order for you to digress
to a time where you showed your love for me
daddy never came around
we fought, to this day
to stand from the ground up
and not the other way around
I need you
I am nobody's child

"Where is my anthem of deliverance"
coming from a child who's very familiar with
the heavy hand of negligence
there's more to me than this
there has to be..
I am from the cigarette butts on the floor
holes in the walls and broken doors
I am nobody's child

- a.j


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