Bodyguard! China x Half Kitsune! Princess! Reader

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The pic above is to help you get an idea of how you look. No, you do not have to wear that kimono unless you want to.
(Y/n) was having to suffer through another boring lesson with her most hated teacher. She decided to take a walk in the garden to clear her mind. Yes, she was a princess, yes, most princesses wear dresses, but (y/n) only wore a dress if someone was visiting. Otherwise she just wore a regular (fave color) T-shirt and some black leggings. She also walked barefoot most of the time. (Y/n)'s dad was the most powerful kitsune in the country, her mom was the queen. (Y/n)'s dad had permanently turned himself fully human to be with her mom, when (y/n) was born, she was born with (f/c) ears and a single (f/c) tail. She had no powers other than extreme cuteness.
-your POV-
You walked through the gardens, softly brushing the petals of flowers with her fingertips. Her (f/c) ears twitched slightly as she heard approaching footsteps. "(Y/n) shouldn't you be with your teacher?" Her father asked. With him was a boy? You couldn't really tell. "But Dad! He only teaches the most boring stuff and never teaches anything new! It's a waste of time!" You complained, right ear twitching in annoyance. You gave the person at your father's side a curious glance. Your father just shook his head. "(Y/n), meet your new bodyguard, Yao Wang." You father said. Your ears flattened against your head. "I don't need a bodyguard!" You said anger flashing in your (e/c) eyes. You father sighed, "you are a princess, not to mention the fact that you are half kitsune, many people would love to get their hands on you. Yao is to stay by your side at all times to protect you. It's for your own good." He said sincerely. "Does that mean he has to follow me into the bathroom?" Yao immediately turned as red as the apples you love. Your father merely chuckled at this. "No, when you change, when you go into the bathroom, and when you change are the only exceptions." Yao's blush faded into a soft pink. "Now why don't you two have a chat, get to learn about each other, see what you have in common. I have business to attend to in the meantime. Kiku!" "Yes your majesty?" The raven haired male said, somehow there the second your father called. You and Yao just gaped, wondering how in the world the Japanese man got there so fast. "Would you please...." You couldn't hear the rest as your father disappeared inside the palace with the butler. You smirked. "Hey Yao?" "Yes your highness?" He asked. "Just call me (n/n). And can I call you Yaoi?" Yao immediately shook his head no. "No!" "But it's so close! All your name needs is an i at the end! Can I please call you Yaoi?" "No." He said, crossing his arms. Looks like it's time to turn on the adorableness. "Pretty pretty please with Hello Kitty on top?" You said, giving him the eyes. Your ears were positioned to add to the affect. You could literally see the struggle. "Ai-ya! You're too cute, aru! Fine. But only you can call me that." He said throwing his arms in the air in defeat. You grinned as your tail started wagging. "YAY!" You shouted out happily. Before you turned dead serious. "Do you like Hello Kitty?" You asked peering skeptically at the male. "Like her? I love her!" He said. "Then we'll get along just fine!" You said, tail wagging with joy. That's when you saw Gilbert running from a certain frying pan wielding girl. "IM TOO AWESOME! YOULL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!! Kesesesesesesesesesesesesese!" He said cackling. You shouted over to them, "HEY LIZ! WHAT DID THE LEFT-HANDED ALBINO DO THIS TIME?" "HE TOUCHED MY BUT!" She shouted, still running after the albino. "Continue on!" You said. "Is this normal, aru?" Yao asked, pointing at the two. "Oh yeah, happens all the time. Gilbert does something or gets his bird to do something and Elizibeta chases after him with her frying pan. It's a regular occurrence. You get used to it after a while." You said, not really concerned. "But couldn't he get brain damage?" "He's been hit with that frying pan at least 80 times and he hasn't even gotten a concussion once. I'm sure he'll be fine." Walking towards where the tomato orchard was you saw Lovino and Antonio throwing tomatoes at each other. You just laughed at it. "Ai-Ya! Watch where you're throwing those things, aru!" He shouted narrowly dodging one of the missiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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