Walk in the woods

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Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. My alarm clock starts to ring to wake me up . Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Ok ok" ,I say in an aggravated mumbling voice, " I'll get up ".
I get up and turn off my black snake tooth alarm clock.

I look down to see where my black wolf slippers were . Then I put my feet in my soft black slippers and I walk to where my closet is .

I open the beautifully crafted door to get inside . I walk in and go straight to the back where my favorite outfit is .

I look up where I keep my black my chemical romance shirt and my gray skinny jeans.

What should I wear I don't want to "wear the same thing over and over again",I say to my self while looking for the right thing to wear today.

I finally found the perfect out fit my fur vest with my red shirt and brown leather belt oh and my brown jeans.

I finally walk out of my closest and walk to the window. It looks like to day is normal. It was Hot .summer . And the sun was shining. Also The leaves were green and so was the grass .

The sky was blue with little white puffy clouds . It was just the perfect day . After looking out the window I go downstairs.

When I arrive down stairs I see that my butler ( mr jano ) had already made me breakfast.

I love when he does that. I walk over to where my food was sitting . I grab my plate of delicious food j or jano made me and put it in the microwave.

After my food is done cooking I sit down at my round wood table . Then after I finish my food I walk over to my sink.

"Madam I can get that for you", I hear some one say behind me .
I turn around and see that my maid Jose is behind me .

"No I can get it",I reply

"No I Insist ", she said taking the plates out of my hands .

"Ok , ok you can do the dishes ", I say and walk away.

When I walk away I start to think what I should do to day . Should I stay inside hoping no one will find me or should I go out side with no care and leave the village I live in .
Uhh let's see. I think I'll go for a walk out side the village.

When I finish thinking I walk to where I keep my shoes I get my rabbit fur boots and I put them on . When I finish lacing up my boots I open the door . When I walk out side I see my best friend .

"Hey Faylen where you going ", she screamed from her house .

"Oh just on a walk ,you want to come", I scream back.

Yeah sure , let me get my hat to cover my ears . She screams while walking in side .

I start to walk to her house . When I get to her house I waited there for 20 minutes.

"Hey I'm done ", she said running out the door "sorry for the wait".

Yeah it's fine lets go ",I say pulling her down the porch steps .

Then we start to walk . We walk in silence for a little then she starts laughing.

"Oh my god we are best friends why are we so silent", She saids still laughing. So have you found your self a boy yet .

"Let's no talk bought that, "I say so she dose not start to go crazy over boys .

"Oh ok ,"she replays in a sad voice .

" So eta how's your mom ", I ask trying to make her happy .

"She's her normal self you know cooking, singing you know",she said .

"Oh ok that's good ",I say looking up .

"Hey do you smell that ",I say it smells like smoke . I say taping her on the arm.

"Yeah it might be a camper we should head back ,"She replied .

" No no let's see what it is ", I say and grabbed her hand .

We run until we see what I was it was not a camper becomes it was at the end of the woods where humans live .

"Fay stop we can't go any further something will see us ".

"Calm your tits eta,we are fine , this is the closest I have been to the edge"

"Come on let just go home pls Fay ".

"Ok fine ".

Once I make it home I take off my boots . Bing bing bing bing bing my phone starts to go crazy.......

Authors note
Sorry if it's short but who is texting her why would her phone go crazy well find out in the next chapter.

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