My boy friend

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When my phone starts to bing I look
At it and see that I have revived 10. Text . I open my text and see who is texting me . Bing bing . I see that my bf was texting me .

Hey um I need your help
Fay pls
Faylen pls come now I need help
Where are you
Pls pls pls quick
Fay pls I need help now .
When I read the text I start to get really worried
(Hey are you home )I text him
(Yes yes come pls quick) he text back.
"Ok ok ok I need my shoes my oh mm", I start to talk to my self ,"ok ok it's ok it's ok".

After I get all my stuff I run out the door . I close the door and run . I start running to the other side of the Village where he lives. I get to his 'house and Burst through the door .

I run up the stairs to where his room was . Before I get to his door I see there is blood on the carpet. Leading form his bathroom to his room.

I quickly open the door to find him on the floor with a knife .
"Hey hey are omg crap . What have you done. Are you cutting again.", I say trying not to cry.

"No no I just ", he said starting to cry .

"Ok ok what are the marks on your arm then there cuts , there cuts ", I say looking for aiming thing to stop the bleeding .

I look up to where his closest was and I ran into it and grabbed the first shirt I could . I run out the closest and I rap his arm and tie it with the rope beside him .

"Pls , pls don't be mad pls",
he said trying to control him self .

"I'm not I'm just scared for you , you need to stop this you have me you have a family you have people that love you I Love YOU ", I say starting to shake uncontrollably

He grabs me with his other arm and pulls me to sit at his side .

Then he said " I know you love me but it's family that's wrong they died today, well not today but their bodies were found".

I look at him .
I'm so sorry I didn't know I am so sorry",I say laying my head on his shoulder.

After that he started to bawl his eyes out . I then proceeded to sit in front of him and start to sing "I wouldn't mind" by He is We .


After a while of sitting there and singing while he was crying he starts to stop . I look at his arm . It looked like it had stopped bleeding.
I reach over to grab his arm .

Then I pull the shirt that I wraped on his arm . His cuts stopped bleeding. So I stood up and got him some tissues and he wipes of his face . I take the tissues and put them in the trash.

Then I sit I'm front of him again . I put the shirt on his arm just in case it would start bleeding again.

When I look up from his arm he looks at me and puts his arm around my back and pulled me to him to kiss me. It was the first time we have ever kissed .

He let me go and I open my eyes and sit straight up again. We just sit there for a while and do nothing but stare at each other.

After a while of us just sitting there it was starting to get dark . I didn't know what to do so I got up .
"It getting late I have to go",I say.
He then grabbed my hand . I stop and look at him .

"Please stay, I don't know what I'll do to my self if you leave"'he said looking straight into my eyes.

"Ok well I have to get some clothes for tomorrow ", I say handing him his phone with face time pulled up. "I'll go home grab what I need while you face time me ok I'll talk to you through the phone I'll be back".

" Ok please hurry ", he replies.

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