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                Mother, “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE ‘NORMAL’ AND LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!?” I just stare blankly back at her saying nothing. I knew better than to talk back to my mother. “This is the second time I had to hear about your behavior SERENA! I've fucking had enough of it!” As my mother continued to yell at me, I decided to play my favorite game, how many time will she curse at me. I’m sixteen so by now the number will be at least over nine thousand. “Are you even fucking listening to me, you stupid piece of shit?!” That was what I heard when I tuned back into what she had to say. “Are you done now? I have homework to do. I plan to lock myself in my room until it’s done.” I retorted. My mom snapped her head at me with daggers in her eyes that pierced any form of happiness I could have for trying to stand up for myself. Sighing I was honestly scared she would hit me.

                The troubling part of this is, if she knew, even though it’s very cliché… I’d have to kill her. Which sounds better and better by the second (unfortunately).  My head rolls over against the seat and my eyes land on the passenger side mirror. I glance back at the girl I see in the reflection. I’m about average height. I have dark auburn brown hair that falls at the shoulders, versatile bangs that are worn the same since middle school. Hazel eyes that act like a mood ring at times and an average body. I’m not very curvy like her two sisters Melanie and Victoria.

                We live in a miserable suburb outside of Los Angeles called Torrance or as we local kids call it, Borrance. A small smirk comes across my face as I try not to laugh out loud due at my thoughts. I quickly gave the demon a glance to see if she noticed. If she did I won’t hear the end of it, again. As we drove home from school in silence, I stealthily grab my Ipod touch from my sweatshirt pocket to listen to. I have to unwind my head phones quickly or another fight will erupt in a matter of seconds. I used its passenger m­irror to check that my ear bud wire is concealed from view. Once it felt safe I could hear it shrieking again. I respond with the universal responses “mhmm, ya, ok, yes ma’am, etc.” This only works about fifty percent of the time.

                Suddenly I get smacked in the head and I hear her yelling continue, “What have I told you about ignoring me when I am speaking to you! You are so disrespectful!” I try not to listen after this part because she usually goes on and on and then about dad. I hate when she does that because she choose him, not me. So I don’t get why I have to hear this shit, but alas I am the only one she can bitch to. It’s not like my grandma will listen to her. I slowly grab my cell out of my pants pocket and text message my sister Melanie: 

S.O.S. mom’s at it again. Help!!!! 
Txt back asap!! This could get ugly!!

                I slid my phone back into my pocket knowing that she would probably start lecturing me about that too. I sit patiently waiting for her to finish yelling. When suddenly something really weird happens; all I wanted was for my mom to shut up and just drive home, then she did just that. WEIRD! But hey I’ll take it. It’s better than a screaming rant. Since she finally became quiet I decided to go back to my music and think about things like I usually do. When I feel my phone buzz, I grab it knowing it’s my sister automatically.
hey!!! What happened!? Did you get in trouble again??
Don’t worry we’ll figure out something. 

                Melanie is very calm; nothing ever seems to upset her, which is why I am thankful to have her in my life. She could seriously calm down anyone no matter what. I think that's her special power. She’s a bit taller than average height so she’s around 5’7. Melanie has a fit body, brown eyes, brown hair that is medium length with natural auburn highlights. I am lucky to have her as my big sister. I'm also grateful to have a younger sister and really awesome grandparents.

                My other sister Victoria is a year younger than me. As kids we were really close due to our closeness in age but after a while we drifted. She hates being the baby of the family and behaves far from it. Victoria is taller than me by a half an inch or so making her 5’6. She developed her womanly figure sooner than I did, but I don't mind. It's not as much of a big deal to me as it is to her. She's very into her looks since the day her breasts got big enough to give her lots of attention, which always bothered me. She has long brown hair and it’s always wavy.  She has matching brown eyes that are really bright. Shakes head silently laughing at myself, wow I zoned out. I realized that my mother had been trying to get my attention and my phone was going crazy, it could only mean one thing, either: Victoria is in trouble or Drako is bored.

                Drako Whittrun is one of oldest friends, he pretty much my brother. He’s human but has powers. He’s about 6’2; he’s lean considering his height. Darko has brown eyes and dark auburn hair. He’s always been there for me and as I for him. He’s always saying random things to make me laugh. I’m kinda hoping that he’s the one blowing up my phone and not my sisters… Sure enough: 

Inbox: new messages: 4
*opens texts* 

Sighing oh another new message... New Message: Annie<3

                Okay Annie is short for Annabelle, if that wasn't obvious. She’s my best friend. She’s half human and a witch like my sisters and me. She’s about 5’4. She’s slightly tan and has a cute face, soft brown eyes with lighter brown around her pupils. I've seen them change to almost Topaz before, it was pretty insane. She has an adverage body type with some curves. Fuck I am space cadet today. Oh wait, mother was bitching, it makes sense now. Okay lets read all these text messages:

Annie <3: Hey starshine! [;  what’s up babe?

Annie is always so bright and bubbly. I guess opposites really do attract. I reply back:

Why hello there sunshine! [; &nothing much on my way home, wanna come over? on second thought wanna go4a walk or somthin? Moms in a bitch mood again... 

Annie <3: ohhhh!! Okay babe! [: yea we can do the usual?

Me: *sigh* hehe, ily!!! Kks can’t wait see u in a few! <3 xo

Annie<3: Yay! <3

Next message: Drako 
scrolls down: 
Hey cutie (; Hows it goin’?
Guess What!! 
Me: hey handsome [;  eh, mom’s bitchin’ again at me

Drako: oh, I'm sorry 

aha I have a surprise4you!! (; 
Me: lmao, wow Drako... tht sounds bad (; ahahaha [x 
Drako: haha don't get like that! xP
so when you get home txt me kks? 
Me: ahaha :) ok I will erg!!! Wht is it!!!

Drako: ;)

Ok, a quick little back story: Drako and I have been b-f-f-s since the sixth grade. I swear we were separated at birth or soul twins. He's my other half and we can be weirdoes and send winky faces without it being awkward. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. Oh shoot I almost forgot about Mel's text! 

Hey when you get home with her just be quiet and let her get it out. I'll have cookies and milk waiting for you so we can talk after. Love you lil sis. <3 xxx

                I looked at my phone trying not to cry. Melanie is the best sister ever. I finally get home; my mind kept racing until I reached my room. Ah, the cozy familiar scent of my room. I have a really awesome room, it’s the perfect size; I have a full sized bed in the top left corner of the room. I also have a floor length mirror, a beautiful antique dresser a matching nightstand and desk, the whole set is black of course. My walls are painted a deep scarlet with various things among the walls; posters, pictures, and inspirational quotes.

                My mom stopped caring what I did to my room after she saw how good it looked. I have a beautiful walk in closet to hold all of my clothes, shoes, handbags, you name it, and I probably have it. Annie says that my closet is like a mini store. Well in a way it is but not really. So I threw my backpack on my floor, kicked off my shoes, and laid on my bed for a little. I closed my eyes for only two seconds, when I heard my phone buzzing. I had a feeling I knew who it was. It was an unexpected text from someone I know... a powerful vampire someone….

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