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(Darren's POV)

“S! SERENA! FUCK!” I move over to my bed, franticly I shake her arm trying to have her come to. There was still no response. “Fuck, Serena! Come on! Please wake up!” She kept scaring me. Why won't she awaken? “Serena…” I shout once more.

Considering all my efforts to wake her on my own failed I called for some help. “Cole! Bro get your ass in here!” I could hear him getting up and sighing. Fuck sometimes I swear that girl makes me feel even hungrier than I really am. There’s no time for that, I need to focus. I sensed that Cole was coming so I gently slid my arms under her, cradling her body. I shifted her in my arms so I could sit down easily without anything happening to her, and so I could hold her to make sure she’s still alive.

“Yo, bro, what’s- “He started to say, “What's wrong with her?” Cole yelled almost speaking with emotion. I guess he could tell I was worried by the expression on my face and didn’t really know as well. Which we both knew made it worse. I should know what’s wrong. I gently brush the hair out of her face and cup her cheek. I looked down at her for a while hoping she’d respond to my touch like she always does. Please, come on baby. –I thought; then stroked the side of her face once more.

(Serena's POV)

Something inside or outside of me shocked me awake. I groan, stretch up feeling incredibly tingly and tired. “What happened?” I thought silently to myself disoriented. I looked up at Darren sheepishly smiling at him. I cuddled up to his broad chest.  He holds me and is being extra sweet, which is abnormal for him. I look up at him confused. “Why was he being so nice and caring? And does he have that ‘I’m going to scold you’ look on his face?”

“Don’t give me that look young lady.” I hear him say to me mentally. “What are you talking about, what look?” I innocently say back. “You know what look and don’t start with me. Regardless of the fact Cole’s in here, don’t even think about it.” he retorts back. Groaning some more, I sigh, looking up with big puppy dog eyes, “fine, I guess I can be ‘good’ this time. I still don’t know what’s goin’ on I’m like half-awake here.” I shrug my shoulders unsure what to do. I could feel myself mindlessly picking at my nails like I always do when I’m nervous or uncomfortable.

“Thank you, now what the fuck just happened to you?! Please don’t tell me you were trying to astral project while remote viewing? You’re not ready for that. Your powers aren’t developed enough and you’re not strong enough to handle it, it’s too much, too soon S.” I looked into his dark eyes that were reflecting and almost mimicking some of the colors in mine. “Why does he have to be so fucking handsome?” I think to myself hoping the thoughts stay private.

“Um, not really, well at least I don’t think I was… I only remember meditating, centering myself so that way I can try to focus on finding someone, like Draco because it’s not too hard for me to find him. But then, I-I dunno what happened, I felt,” shakes head, “it was probably nothing or me being paranoid. There probably wasn’t anyone lurking around the front door of the house because I don’t know for sure. I do know this, whom or whatever it was wasn’t on our side. That’s for damn sure.” I crossed my arms over my chest feeling sassy. I wasn’t sure why I did but I guess it’s because I reminded myself of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. I think of weird crap at inappropriate times.

His face fell. It made me really uncomfortable when he looked at me like this. He’s usually so take charge and strong so seeing him vulnerable wasn’t right, it wasn’t him. “Serena, can you remember what the person looked like, their energy or anything at all?” His hand gently caressed my face and his paused to take a breath before questioning me again. “Do you think you have it in you to just push the thoughts to me and I can see what happened?” His eyes were locked onto mine with a passion that made my heart skip a beat. None of this was normal behavior but am I going to comment on it? Hell no! Am I going to enjoy it? Hell yes!

 “I dunno Darren. I might be able to…” I said trailing off. I didn’t know if I could do that, even with the strong bond that we share. I bit my bottom lip still looking at him and took a deep breath. I had to make sure nothing went wrong or the receiving person wouldn’t get the full memory or thoughts. I tried my best to give Darren my thoughts. I scrunched my face attempting to call the memory back. Everything began to spin, the images rewound like a cassette tape. I felt nauseous, my temperature rose drastically, my body began to shake and twitch. What’s happening to me? Without realizing it, I had suddenly become unconscious.

I could hear muffled noises around me and felt my head trashing about on the bed. That’s when I heard it, “Serena…” My body fought my mind to awaken but as hard as I tried it wasn’t happening. “What’s goin’ on, why are you doing this?!” I felt myself falling into the abyss. There was so much darkness, I felt something near my back, when I turned nothing was there, but a faint light. Something about it was luring me toward it. Suddenly the light became brighter, larger and before I knew it I was in a large room. It had high ceilings, a podium, and across the way separate benches as if there would be more than one judge here. I scratched my head in confusion. “Where am I?”

 (Darren's POV)

“Serena wake up! Please wake up Serena!” I begged her. I never beg but an hour of trying to get this child conscious was enough stress to drain me to that point. I tried my best not to shake her but she was starting to scare me. I looked over at my very unhelpful friend. “COLE! HELP ME! We need to get her up NOW!” My voice boomed through the room. I had lost all control of my voice and I didn’t care. I hoped the noise would awaken her. I had a bad feeling about this which why I needed help. “I need everyone to get their asses in here right fucking now! Serena just knocked the fuck out.” Max and Rex ran into my bed room. They looked at me in awe as if it was out of my character to not care about a woman this much. “Don’t fucking look at me like that, I have a feeling the council is behind this!”  I sigh trying to remain calm. “You guys can stop staring at me and start fucking helping… Any time at all would be nice.” They all mumble “Oh, yeah, right,” and began awkwardly shuffling around the room pretending to be useful. I had a feeling this was going to be a long fucking night.

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