Chapter 3 - Corners of My Mind

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My day started with a bang—a terrific bang. I managed to fall off my bed (a bed a few inches off the floor, mind you), and landed on a lopsided stack of books adjacent to it, knocking it down in the process. Eyes clouded and body aching, I moaned in pain and clutched a leg of my bed, trying to pull myself off the floor. Not aiding in my situation, the white sheet that had covered me fell back onto me. Why me?

Looking through, I saw a bright light shine through my barricaded window. It was morning—Monday morning. Tossing the blanket off, I scanned my room. Nothing appeared to have changed, which was both a good and bad thing. And, of course, I had to contemplate the most critical question of the whole ordeal: does this mean no spaghetti?

Did they eat all the spaghetti? Where the Hell is my portion? If Phillip ate it, I swear—


Something more important is happening today. Shutting my eyes, I ran through yesterday's events in my head, trying to recall what I had forgotten. Eventually, it dawned on me—I have a mission today.

Deciding to get up, I scrambled onto my feet. Brushing off the dust from my wrinkly white shirt, I walked over to my closet. Opening it up, I was met with articles upon articles of black and white. Black tees, white tees, black shorts, white shorts—everything was monochrome. Deciding to go with my typical mission attire, I pulled out a black tee and white shorts from my limited collection. Shedding my clothes from yesterday and tossing them aside, I dressed myself into the new (and hopefully clean) clothes. I gazed into the mirror across the room. Besides the white streaks in my hair and unusual bright pink eyes, I looked completely fine and normal—exactly what I wanted.

Avoiding the stacks and piles of clutter in my room, I made my way out my room and headed downstairs. Of course, not before I stumbled over something. Looking back, my eye caught my predator: orange, fluffy slippers. It was Esmae's.

Deciding to plot my revenge later, I turned back and walked towards the kitchen on the other side of the house. When I arrived, the sweet scent of vanilla and oranges caught my attention.

Looking around, I saw Fawn standing there, wearing her typical pink-and-white polka-dot apron. Her hair was tied up into pigtails, accenting her youthfulness. She noticed me and looked back at me, a smile spreading on her face.

"Good mornin', Al," she greeted, flipping the pan in her hand. "What would you like to eat?"

"Anything would be good, Fawn."

She perked up, likely due to appreciation of the wiggle-room I gave her, and exclaimed with a beam, "Bacon and eggs it is!"

Yawning, I walked towards the dining room, the room adjacent to the kitchen to see four people and nine dishes. Noticing an empty seat between Dani, dressed in her school uniform, and Phil, dressed similarly to me, I decided to sit there. I pulled the chair out, fingers grazing the hard wood, and sat on its cushion.

Dani, who was eating a piece of toast, turned to me and greeted me with a simple, "mornin'". I acknowledged her with a simple nod, deciding against using needless words. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that despite my sudden entrance and lack of presence, I had drawn the attention of two other people. The first one was Phil, though that was a given. However, the other one was someone who actually preferred to ignore me. There, sitting across from me, Luckas was eyeing me as he crunched his cereal. He continued to do so until he swallowed, and then began to speak.

"Adair and Kingsworth." he called. We looked at him. Eyeing our attire, he asked, "Do you two plan to do a mission this morning? If so, I must insist that monitor."

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