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The "Day of the LORD" [Jehovah] is the period of time in which God's Kingdom is gradually set up under Christ, and the kingdoms of this world pass away. During this time Satan's power and influence decline and flashes of truth of every kind, like "lightnings," lead to revolution and war as never before (Psalm 97:1-4). The result is "great tribulation such as never was since there was a nation" (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1).

It is called the "Day of Jehovah" because, though Christ is present with royal title and power, his work is more as the General of Jehovah subduing all things, than as the Prince of Peace blessing the world. Ultimately Christ will be recognized by all as King of kings.

The prophets represent this period of transition as the work of Jehovah to set up the dominion of Christ. “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom” (Daniel 2:44). “The Ancient of days did sit…and they brought before him…one like unto a son of man, and there was given him a dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages…and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” (Daniel 7:9,13,14,27).

“I will give thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance” (Psalm 2:8).

When Jesus finishes the complete object of his reign, “then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him [the Father] that PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIM (1 Corinthians 15:28)

This time is also called the “Day of Vengeance of our God” and a “Day of Wrath.” (Isaiah 61:2; 63:1-4; Psalm 110:5). God’s wrath is not the result of divine malice—but rather because of violation of His just laws of righteousness for the good of all. Israel as Abraham’s descendents violated God’s written Law and suffered consequences. The Gentiles have also violated the law of “conscience.” Both Jews and Gentiles have thus stored up wrath awaiting “the revelation of the righteous judgment of God” (Romans 1:28-29; 2:1-16). However, this correction while introducing the Millennial Kingdom of Christ will prove a remarkable blessing for the entire world.

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