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Harry's pov

I woke up and I was lied in a hospital bed, yet again, and Niall was sat on the same old wooden chair with his head between his knees.

"Niall?" I asked groggily, my head was pounding.

"Harry!" Niall exclaimed, immediately sitting up right.

"W-what happened?" I rubbed my forehead with my palm.

"We were at the roller rink and some skater girl crashed into you, you being as light as you are, went flying and landed on your arm and hand awkward. Your bone kinda popped out and you passed out at the sight"

I chuckled, knowing that I'd never been very good at gore. Unless I was intentionally making myself bleed, I was always squeamish.

"When can I go home?"

"Tonight, you can spend the weekend at mine if you like"

"Haven't we got school tomorrow?" I asked looking out of the window and seeing daylight, meaning that it was the next day. Which was a Sunday, so I had school the next day, obviously.

"It's Friday today Haz" Niall chuckled.


"You've been here all week, you needed an operation and rods fitted in your arm then a whole lot of stitches and then a cast, which they could only fit yesterday. You were singing Barbie Girl to one of the nurses while she fitted your arm in plaster, it was pretty funny when you demanded a pink plaster cast."

"Why don't I remember any of this?" I asked, looking at my arm and running my finger tips over the solid pink cash on my left arm, chuckling as I tried to imagine myself demanding such a feminine coloured cast.

"You're on strong pain medication for your arm" he smirked.

"Oh" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry" Niall apologised out of nowhere


"This is all my fault. If I didn't take you to that stupid roller rink then you wouldn't be in this stupid hospital again"

I managed to catch Niall's gaze and he looked like he was trying to fight back the tears.

"It's fine Niall, I'm okay" I got out of the bed and pulled him into a hug. "I'm fine, my arm with heal and go back to normal, plus for the time being I'm right handed so it isn't going to get in the way"

"I just feel so guilty" he muttered into my shoulder.

"Niall, you saved my life. I'm not going to be upset as something as small as a few rods, stitches and a broken arm." I promised.

"Sorry" he sniffed

"Stop apologising" I smirked.


I just chucked and walked out of the room to try and find a nurse or doctor to see when I could leave this place, the smell of disinfectant was getting stuck I'm my nose and it was giving me a little headache.


I was let out of the hospital a couple of hours later, the fresh air hit me in the face as we walked through the doors and into the car park where Niall unlocked his car from the other side of the parking lot.

I didn't even know that Niall could drive, never mind owned a car. But it didn't surprise me, his parents and family seemed pretty rich. Well their house looked posh for a start, so that must be something.

"You have a car?"

"Yep" he chuckled.

"Sweet ride" I muttered as we edged closer to the purple Mercedes with rims.

"Thanks, it was a Christmas present from my parents"

"It seems more expensive than my house" I muttered. Niall didn't seem to hear me though since he didn't say anything after that and we climbed into his car.

"Do you want to stay at mine then, or do you want me to drop you off at home?" He asked, staring the car,

"I could do with clothes and things but if you don't mind could I stay at yours?"

He nodded in understanding that I didn't want to stay with my abusive uncle, who'd no doubt give me another beating for not coming home for almost another week. Not something I'd like to happen.

"We'll get your clothes and then drive to mine then?"

"Sure, thanks" I grinned.

"No problem Haz" he squeezed my knee for some much needed support as he drove out of the car park and towards the address I had told him.

"Please excuse the shiftiness of my home when you see it"

"It can't be that bad"

"Think of the worst place you've ever seen" I said simply.


"Now times the shittiness and filthiest by ten and Bob's your uncle, that's my shack of a home"

He shook his head in disbelief at first but when he pulled in front of my house his jaw dropped and almost landed on his knee.

"This is where you live?"

"Yeah" I muttered.

"You need to get out of there"

"Tell me about it" I awkwardly chuckled.

"I'm being serious"

"Where do you expect me to go? I have basically no money or anywhere to go"

"Come and stay with me" he said as if it was the simplest thing ever.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Come and stay with me" he repeated, slightly slower.

"I can't do that! I-" Niall cut me off.

"Sure you can! My house is huge, we have spare rooms and i'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, they always complain that they're too old for another kid. Even though I have my brother, but they've always said I need company my age. So here you are!" He exclaimed.

I gave the information a minute to sink in and let his words register.

"Are you being serious or is this just some sort of sick joke?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm totally serious"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm totally sure" he smirked.

"Thank you?" I asked, still in shock that someone would offer their home out to someone like me.

"It's fine, don't mention it. Now let's go and get your stuff and get you away from this, no offence, shit heap and away from that bastard that lives with you" he climbed out of the car and I slowly followed.

"None taken" I smirked, it was true. My house was a complete shit hole which would look better if it was burnt to the ground with a match and a bit of petrol.

"Come on, we need your things if your going to live with me" he grabbed my hand and I led him the vile place I called my home.

Please, Just Leave Me To Die *Narry Storan*Where stories live. Discover now