5: The Beach House

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The Kissing Booth has now hit over 7,000,000 reads!!! WOW!!! How amazing is that!? Mind blown... I think that calls for a celbratory upload, don't you? Haha ;) I think this chapter's pretty long, too, so double yaay!

:) Seriously though - wow. 7 million. Now that, my awesome fans, is pretty darn amazing. And because of you. So thank you very, very, very much indeed! xx


Chapter 5

Monday morning, I woke up after a bad night’s sleep at the crack of dawn: Seven in the morning.

I groaned, tossing about and tumbling off the bed.

“Sorry,” Lee whispered loudly. “Did I wake you up?”

“A rampaging bull in a china shop is quieter than you, Lee,” I grumbled, dusting the sand off my pajamas and throwing my bed sheets and blankets that I’d pulled off back onto my bed in a pile. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. “What’re you even doing up already?”

“Rachel’s coming today and…” He trailed off, since that was explanation enough. Whilst there was part of me that thought it was adorable how Lee was getting up so early when we were on vacation to try tidy things up so the room wouldn’t be a complete wreck when his girlfriend arrived, I still narrowed my sleepy eyes into slits at him.

“What time is it?”


That was when I threw my pillow at him.

He laughed and caught it, tossing it back over onto my bed. I shot him another glare for waking me up so early, grabbed my bikini and a pair of shorts, and went into the bathroom. I wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep now, but maybe a shower would wake me up properly.

I pulled both doors shut on either side of the bathroom; the only lock was on Noah’s door, and it had never even worked properly. We had a very simple system – if the doors were shut, the bathroom was occupied.

The bathroom wasn’t big anyway, but with Lee’s dozen or so hair products scattered everywhere and my girly toiletries laid out neatly, and Noah’s few things thrown down anywhere, it seemed a lot smaller and a lot more cluttered. I shoved Lee’s stuff to the edge of the shelf to put my clothes down.

I waited for the shower to heat up, and leaned over the sink to splash some cold water over my face, hoping to stop myself from falling asleep on my feet in the shower. It didn’t really work. Stupid Lee, I thought irritably.

I had just lathered up my hair when I heard a door open. I sighed sharply through my nose and stuck my head around the shower curtain, shampoo trickling down the sides of my face. “Lee, I don’t care what time Rachel’s coming, your hair gel can wait till when I’m not in the –”

Noah took one look at me and started laughing.         

“I so need to take a photo of that,” he laughed, meaning my annoyed face and lathered-up hair. I just glared. I couldn’t even be embarrassed; I was tired and grumpy and pissed off already. He was not doing me any favors.

“Get out! The door was shut! I’m in the shower!” I all but yelled at him, stepping back behind the curtain and starting to rinse out my hair, my fingers digging into my scalp so much it hurt, but I was that grumpy.

“What, you don’t want me to join you?” I could just picture the smirk on his face right now.


The Beach House (a The Kissing Booth novella)Where stories live. Discover now