Super Planet Dolan

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  "So, you mean to tell me that you're admitting to being obsessed with this channel?"
"That's right." I said.
Me and my older brother Anthony were sitting on our front porch trying our best to braid long grass strands. We somehow got on the topic of YouTube and which YouTuber was best. My answer? Super planet Dolan, of course.
  "Well, that doesn't really count. I said favorite Youtuber not favorite YouTube channel. Isn't super planet Dolan more than one person? That's not a very good answer."
  "What are you talking about? I like them all." I say while I twist my grass braid between my fingers.
"Okay. But, which character is your favorite out of all of them?"
I didn't know. Like I said, I love them all. There was no way I could chose.
  "I'm not sure. I like Hellbent. But, I also like Melissa. I don't know about Shima, though."
"Well, what about Dolan? It is his channel after all."
This was true, but I never really trusted Dolan. Sure, the entire channel was named after him and it would make a lot more sense to trust him over a little red demon or a purple bird.
  "He's okay I guess." I mumbled.
Anthony rolled his eyes at me.
"You're such a weirdo. Besides, you probably wouldn't like any of them at all if you knew what went on on stupid planet Dolan."
    "What's stupid planet Dolan?" I ask.
  "Oh, it's like super planet Dolan expect it's stupid and not super at all and everyone who goes there dies."
"Yeah, right. That's dumb. You made that up." I say.
   "No. Seriously it's a thing. You know how super planet Dolan has like a ton of channels?"
"Yeah. So?" I say. He's being so annoying.
   "This is like another one of their many channels, but on this channel they do countdowns all together. They take turns on each number. Like, Dolan will do one and then Hellbent, then Melissa and  Shima and those other guys."
  "So, all of them are in one video? They countdown and rotate who does what number? That's awesome."
"You think it's awesome. But, that's how they draw you in. See, there's only one video on that channel."
I waited for him to go on. It was no surprise that there was a low amount of posts on the channel. They run so many of them that some didn't have very many videos.
   "And legend has it that if you watch that video all the way until the end, you pass out and then wake up on stupid planet Dolan." He wiggled his hands around for dramatic effect.
   Like another planet? Away from Earth? What a load of bullshit. He probably read this online. Besides, he said 'legend has it'. Meaning that it was likely that this wasn't true. But, I played along.
  "Wow. That's terrifying, Ant. I can't imagine ever watching it. There's no way I'll ever go near that channel." I said all of this as I pulled out my phone and opened up the YouTube app. Whether I thought this was true or not, I still wanted to make sure.
  "What are you doing, Y/N?"
I ignored him and typed stupid planet Dolan into the search bar.
  Results actually came up and my blood ran cold. There was no option to click on a channel that was called "stupid planet Dolan". However, there was a video like Anthony said. This one video was the only thing that popped up and it even said that it was posted by stupid planet Dolan. It had no title, no date that told me when it was posted and no views.
  "What the hell. This doesn't make any sense." I say.
"Don't watch it, Y/N. You'll die." Anthony sounded scared out of his mind.
Again, I ignored him and tapped the video.
    "Oh, it's all over now! There's no way I'm going to stupid planet Dolan!" Anthony got up and ran back inside of the house. Leaving me out here alone.
   "Wow." I say aloud. "And you call yourself a man?"
He was 22 years old for fucks sake.
The video loaded and I turned up the volume. Except, there was no sound.
The video was completely silent and all I saw was static on the screen.
I was confused, but I sat still waiting to see what happened next.
Suddenly, a figure came into view on screen. It looked like a very tall man. The only thing was, he had horns coming out of his head. I couldn't make out any of his features because he was but a silhouette among the static.
  Then, I heard a whisper "Stop." It said.
It came from the phone. The horn man. He said it. But, why? Stop what?
    "You should go. Please, I beg you. Put the phone down. Walk away." His voice was extremely deep, yet quiet at the same time.
  "Why?" I said as if he could hear me. But, it was too late. The video ended.
Well, I've got to admit, that video sure did a good job as scaring the living out of me. But, nothing happened.
I didn't pass out. I was still fully alert.
Well, not fully alert because when my phone rang, I jumped.
I answered it.
  "Hello?" I say.
"Y/N, come over, dude. Let's watch movies. I'm bored out of my mind." My friend Shila said on the other line.
"Okay. Sure, I'm on my way." I hung up and stood to go find some shoes.
   Funny how she calls me right after that chilling video I watched ended.

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