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It's another day, the first rays of the sun are starting to light up the dark room.

Get up.

It's another day, you can do this. Make your bed, go to the bathroom and get ready for another day.

Eat something.

You need to eat. Don't forget to take care of yourself. 


You need to keep your body hydrated. 

Support with your family the best you can.

You can help your mom with the house chores, taking care of your cat/dog/bird.

Spend time with the ones you love deeply.

It's important to show how much we love those who surround us, every day.

Do things you love.

Either that is photograph, singing, dancing, drawing, do it while you can. Enjoy it.


Go for a walk by the river, while watching the breathtaking sunset, go with someone you love dearly. While you're out, you can workout.

Go to bed.

Sleep well, rest.

You had a good day, full of good things. You may have felt sad, but don't let that feeling bring you down.


You're still alive, you're doing great so far.

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