Bullied by my crush

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Today was another day of a horrible place they call, school. I hate going to school. Its just another day to get bullied by Caleb. I don't get why I like him I just do I guess. I got up out of bed put a blue long sleeve shirt on and pants. I pulled up one sleeve and grabbed a blade I counted the cuts I did "1,2,and 3." I grabbed a tissue and pressed it against the cut to stop the bleeding. Then I walked down stairs my mom was down stairs on the couch.sleeping. I tried waking my mom up and she finally got up and drove me to school. I put everything I needed in my backup. I walked out of the car and saw Caleb and his 4 friends with him. I looked down at the ground answer to my locker. I opened it up and then I heard people whispering around me. Gosh people hate me. I mean look at me.I'm ugly. I closed my locker and walked away. I saw Caleb walking towards to me.no. I was walking really fast thankfully the bell rang.I ran to class. I walked in and sat in a random seat like always. Then I heard a BAM and Jake walks in and He started talking to this popular girl named, Ellie. "hey you look hot."he is such a player. All I did was just say UG, but he must of heard and turned around towards me.oh.no.

"What was that?!" he said really loud.

"N-nothing......" I was really shy whenever someone put me under pressure.

"that's what I thought you nerd now shut up and be quite!" I just held back the tears and ran out of the door and head towards the bathroom. I ran into someone on my way there. I fell on my butt and then I looked behind me and he wants coming so I helped out and started putting the papers back and have it to whoever that person was. I looked back and saw it was Harry which is one of Caleb friends.


"what the heck. Hurting ur crushes feelings so bad she ran off.not cool dude." Hunter told me. (another of Jakes friends)

"I know.i know. I'll have to tell her sorry when I see her. I didn't mean to be that mean. And wh-" I was cut off by the teacher yelling at us. She thought i was asking for answers. I asked if I could leave to the bathroom and I left and saw Holly helping Harry out. She turned around and saw me and ran off towards the bathroom. Man she's a fast runner. I waited outside hiding myself near the lockers. I saw Holly Walk by cautiously, but when she passed by me I ran towards the door and blocked it from her, so she can't get inside.


"W-what do you want." Holly mumbled.

"listen to me. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said to you in classroom and ermmm I th-" I was interrupted by Hunter telling me and Holly the teacher wanted us back in class now. I looked at Holly and told her I will talk to her at lunch. We both went back inside and sat down at different spots far away from eachother. Then this little airplane landed on Hollys desk and I saw Ellie throw it at her. All I saw was Holly open it and then crumble it up and she stated at it all of class. Good thing it was 3 period next lunch. I saw Caleb and his friends talking and looking at me. Then Jake walked up to me.

"Hey uhh...." He look behind his shoulder then back at me."Your a nerd and don't talk to me EVER!"

"W-why would I want to talk to you?!" then I ran off to the bathroom and ran into a stall and grabbed my blade and looked at it. My eyes tarted to get watery but I wiped then away. Then I heard a familiar voice talking.Ellie.

"Hey idiot! Why do you cut? Haha just kidding no one cares!" Ellie screamed at me then she walked away with her "cool gang" of friends. Then I was just about to cut when this girl I didn't even know walked in and saw me.

"W-Why are cutting? You shouldn't cut!" I turned around and saw a girl she looked about my age.

"Oh umm....Is there a guy outside?"

"No.why? Is he bullying you?!"

"uh ya. Just please don't talk to him. Anyways what is your name?"

"My name is Taylor. Here let me help you up." Taylor helped me up and I thanked her.

"What class do you have next?"

"Umm I don't know let me look........Oh I have room 313."

"Really that's my class, Are you new here then?"

"ya.i am."

Then I heard the bell ring and we went to class. I then realized I made a my very first friend. The only friends I had were elementary then I got bullied and they found out I cut and they left me because they thought I was weak. I don't blame them.


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