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That's right! Today, on May 25th...it's my one year anniversary on Wattpad.

I know that so many people have been on longer than me, so it's crazy to see how much my account has expanded in such a short amount of time. I'm truly grateful for the 315 followers (as of right now!) I have received.

Well, since this is a celebratory/anniversary chapter, I may as well explain my whole backstory here on Wattpad.

It's true--this is my one year anniversary with THIS account. I actually had another account before this one, called fluffy__potato. That account was my life. I started it around my 12th birthday, after I had gotten a computer as a birthday present. I instantly found myself obsessed with Wattpad and its community, and poured myself into making my account a success.

It went on for about 7 months. I had written a bunch of Minecraft YouTuber related fanfictions (I think everyone did that at one point in their lives). I was so happy with what I was doing.

Then, one day, while on vacation in Hawaii, I couldn't log onto my account. Needless to say, I freaked out.

No matter how hard I tried, there was no way for me to access my account. It... had been deleted, for reasons I didn't know at the time.

I e-mailed the Wattpad team, telling them exactly what happened and if I could have my account back. A few days later, I got a reply, saying that my account had been deleted because I was 'underage'.

Apparently, I had unintentionally revealed my age on Chipotle's sponsored account. Yeah, that's right. Chipotle had a Wattpad account. And I was deleted because of it.

Let's just say... I refused to eat there for a good year or so.

I had NO IDEA that you had to be 13+ to be on Wattpad. I FREAKED OUT.

So... when I got home from that trip, I instantly made another Wattpad account. I didn't care about me still being underage. I just wanted Wattpad back.

That's when I created a new account. It was still fluffy__potato. A month or so after that, however, I just changed it to -FluffyPotato-, which I still currently have.

With this account, I had to redo EVERYTHING I did on my old one. I had to start all over, and I was miserable about that. But... I managed. And look at where it led me.

It's crazy to think that all this happened a year ago. It feels so much longer!

I sincerely want to thank all of you for making this one of the greatest years of my life. I hope to be on here for many more!

Seriously, I think I've sold my soul to Wattpad. And there's no going back.

Thank you. To EVERYONE reading this.

Without you guys, I think I'd be a completely different person.

I'm sorry if this sounds meaningless or rushed. It's just... impossible for me to find words to describe how much all of you mean to me.

Thanks for making me smile every day, for a whole year.

I truly, truly mean that.

LUV YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

FLUFFY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!


Fluffy's FOURTH Book of Randomness and Boredom [I'M TRASH AND I'M PROUD]Where stories live. Discover now