Inner Light

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                                                  Inner Light

The world of blinding color spins around

Time in an everlasting  and slow count down

Staring blankly and unseeingly into the future

 Wounds of today no longer can be closed by a suture

They say the future holds the answers

Future actions as predictable as a professional dancers'

Dim is the present state of mind

For happier thought of any kind

One such as this can not easily find

Suddenly new and warmer light

How can one persons presence be so bright?

The air much lighter than before

Smile fighting not to be ignored

The future much brighter than before

No longer fore seen as done for

Inner light growing warming to the core

This new beginning is all that's needed to soar

Life seemingly much more interesting

Empty words of yesterday uninteresting

No longer do you stray but back on track

Color returns and  nowhere does it lack

For feelings toward the future and living are no longer under attack

Time continues to proceed and life goes on

For the will to continue only you can come upon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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