You can't have it both ways..

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Author's Note;

The actors in the GIF on the right are Aaron Johnson and Karen Gillan, which are the people I have chosen to play Lily and James in Broken Promises. The GIF looks like an ordinary black box, but wait about.. hm, ten seconds? And you'll see the animation of them come up.


It was a colder winter than usual, colder than anyone at Hogwarts was used to. You couldn't step out of the castle without bounding yourself in a dozen scarves and gloves. And as for all the houses, well, they took no shame in wearing their house colors. You couldn't walk around the Quidditch pitch, the field, the lake, - not anywhere - without seeing a mixture of either silver and green, red and orange, blue and bronze, or yellow and black. It was colorful, beautiful, happy. You would think that everyone was enjoying themselves by looking at the perfect scene of children throwing snowballs, running and slipping in the ice and snow, carving words into the ground with their wands. But that wasn't the case if you looked closer. If you looked closer, into the depths of the students lives, you would know that relationships everywhere at Hogwarts were in conflict. What once was a sweet, happy, ongoing romance, was now a bitter, ongoing argument. When was it ever going to end? It was almost impossible to tell.

"I don't want to hear it, Severus."

"I know it's been a while, but if you would just hear me out -"

"I've heard it all." Lily said coldly.

"No, look. I know you've - you've got a thing going on with P-Potter," the name rolled off Snapes' tongue with distinct hatred. They were alone in the corridor that lead outside the castle, near the statue of the one-eyed witch.

"So what if I have?" Lily asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I - I..." Snape was at a loss for words. He seemed to be feeling a mixture of confusion and pain, because firstly, Lily used to be the only other person who had looked like she hated James as much as he did. Secondly, he was hurt, because everything he heard was now confirmed. There was no wavering in the indifferent tone Lily spoke in. She was dating James. She would not forgive him. It was over, and his chance had come and gone.

"Lily what you have to understand, is that I was humiliated. I - I didn't care who I was hurting. After all our time as friends, you - you should know that I didn't want to hurt you! It slipped out, like I said.." He trailed off. Lily seemed to consider this for a moment.

"We were good friends, Severus. But you constantly chose the wrong side. If it 'slipped out'," she put air quotes around the words, "You obviously must have used it quite frequently before. And it wasn't just the word that got to me, what is it about becoming a Death Eater? Why - why would you want to work for V-Vol-" Lily choked on the name, but she quickly remembered how freely Dumbledore had used it in his speech to the Great Hall, and carried on, "Voldemort?" 

Snape flinched.

"What? He's going to be your boss after all, get used to the name. Joining his ranks would be just as bad as you calling me what you did! You know how he feels about people of my birth, Severus. I would've reconsidered, if it would've made a difference, but you chose your way. Just like I said before." Lily sighed, this was hurting her a lot more than it was hurting him. She found a true friend in Severus at one point, but it was lost in his pure blood beliefs, in his love for the Dark Arts, and it didn't look like it was going to be found again.

Snape recognized defeat immediately, and nodded as he slowly turned around, looking just slightly hopeful at the use of the word 'reconsider', and walked away. He probably thought he was getting somewhere. Lily looked down, feeling a bit ashamed, but a bit relieved. Maybe he would switch sides after that, she thought to herself. Maybe they could pick up where they left off. A small grin spread across her face as she thought of recollecting her relationship with Severus, but it was instantly gone as she remembered all the arguments, and the spitefulness, the hatred. She walked forwards towards the lake now, where she would usually sit and read her favorite book, Behind the Magic by Gamp Rutherford. She strolled down the grass, opening up her book bag as she went, when she bumped into him -

Broken Promises: A Sirius Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now