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Erika: maybe you're over reacting maybe he's doing something important
Megan: i guess you could be right..
Louriza: like I said just go through his phone
Megan: and what will that do
Louriza: you may see something that you didn't know about
Erika: she has a point Meg
Megan: ok now can talk about something else instead of my life right now
Louriza: *laughs* grumpy much?
Megan: yes I am very grumpy
Later on
Megan:*playing with Madison* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now we know our abc's next time won't you sing with meeee yayyyy *kisses Madison*
Madison:*claps and giggles*
Vinson: I'll be going out I'll be home in a couple of hours
Megan:*groans and mumbles* probably going to see Howra
Vinson: what did you say
Megan: nothing important * pick Madison up and goes into the living room* have fun
Vinson: yup *leaves*
After Putting Madison to sleep
Megan: it has been 4 hours where is he *calls vinson*
Megan: ughhh *flops on the bed* since when did relationships get so complicated
3 hours later
Vinson: home!
Megan: Vinson where were you?! I was worried
Vinson: chill out megan I'm here now
Megan: chill what?! You've been gone for god knows how long you didn't even bother to call me back and you expect me to be calm
Vinson: i was just hanging out with a friend and my phone died
Megan: yeah a friend named Howra you know what I don't want to talk about this anymore * goes back upstairs *

Short chapter but the next chapter is when we find out why vinson is ignoring Megan so stay tuned

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