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A/N I'm actually really happy that I'm ending this story This is probably my favorite story out of all of the stories I've written okay on with the chapter

"Seriously Vinson it's not that hard to change a diaper! Your being over dramatic" Megan said frustratedly as she changed Faith

"Well sorry I'm trying to help you but you always say I'm doing it wrong" Vinson said as he watched Megan

Megan got Faith dressed and put her in the crib then walked out into the bedroom

"So your ignoring me now" He said as he followed Megan who was now on her phone

"Can you just leave me alone! Go kiss Natalie or something" She said

"Are you still hung up on this! I told you it meant nothing! Why don't you ever listen to me" Vinson said as he smacked Megan's phone out of her hands

Megan immediately jumped up and moved away from Vinson

"You didn't have to do that! And I do listen to you! You shouldn't have been out in the first place! You should've been here taking care of your family!" Megan yelled furiously

The argument caused Madison and the twins to wake up. Megan pushed past Vinson and rushed to the nursery where the twins were

"Shhh it's okay girls" Megan said as she picked up the twins and rocked them

Vinson walked in with Madison who was calling for Megan

"She wants you" He said as Megan placed the twins back into the crib

"I can see that" Megan said as she took the crying child and walked back into the bedroom

"Mama Mama" Madison said as she held onto Megan tightly

Megan caressed Madison's hair and sang to her quietly, Madison soon fell asleep in Megan's arms

"Meg, I'm sorry" Vinson said when he walked into the room

"Vinson, you always say that but you never mean it" she said as she placed the covers on Madison

"I know but this time I mean it! I don't like it when we fight, I don't like seeing you so stressed" He said as he grabbed Megan's hands "I'm truly sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt you"

Megan smiled and kissed Vinson's cheek

"You owe me a new phone" Megan laughed

That's all for this chapter, yes it is short but I haven't been able to update today so I'm trying to update all of my books now. But they all will be short and not evil...For now. I've got some tricks up my sleeve 😈 anyways Baizzzz 🤗

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