Chapter 1

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Jacks POV
His eyes, his nose, his lips, his hair, his
everything. I love it all. He's my everything. If only I could move to L.A to be with him. Ugh, what I'd do to move. It sucks that he's straight. What I'd give to be with him-
"Jack? Jack?? Earth to Jack!" Mark yelled into my headphones, pulling me out if my thoughts. "Huh, what?" I said still sort of in a daze. "Were you even listening to me, doofus?" he said with a straight-face. Me and Mark were on Skype with each other, talking about our next collab and what we should play. "Uh, yeah, sorry I just spaced out for a second. Continue," I told him. "Sure.. so anyways, I was thinking we could play G-mod Prop Hunt because we haven't played that in a while, you know?" he stated. "That'd be cool yeah, lets do it," I replied, but one thing still lingered in the back of my head, and I was thinking of telling him about it. "Hey Mark?"
"Yeah Jack?"
"I was, uhm.. thinking about it and your roomates moved out right?" (A/N: I'm pretty sure they did correct me if I'm wrong)
"Yeah they did, why?" he questioned.
"Well uhm, I was thinking of moving to Los Angeles-" he cut me off.
"Really!? That's great Jack! I'm so glad!" he told me with an excited tone.
"Well, I don't have anywhere to stay there so I was wondering if I.. I could stay at your place, just until I find a place to stay?" I asked with a hushed voice.
"Uhm. Well-" I cut him off, "Well it's ok if I can't you know! I won't care." Honestly I did, but he didn't need to know that.
"Well I do have an extra bedroom, so.. I guess you could. We could be roomies!" he chuckled. "Really?! Omg Mark thank you so much! I'm going to be the best roomie you've ever had!" Did mark really just tell me I could stay at his place!? He did!! I can't wait now.
"Ok well it's decided! I'm moving to Los Angeles!" I said with a big smile.
"Hell yeah!" Mark said with enthusiasm.
"Ok Mark, well I'm gonna let you go. I'lol talk to you later, mkay?
Little did I know that, that was the beginning of something new, and boy was I ready for it.
*************************************"-IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" I shouted. I was preparing Youtube videos for my move to Los Angeles. I absolutely couldn't wait. I even already sent my bedroom furniture. I don't know where everything else was supposed to go. What do you do when you don't know something? GOOGLE IT. So I
did of course.

'Where do you put your furniture that you don't need?'

'Where do you put your furniture that you don't need?'

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I scrolled and scrolled but there was nothing there. No info on left-over furniture.
"Ugh, now what do I do?" I said to myself. I texted Mark.

Me: 'hey where does one put their other furniture?'
Markimoo: 'storage? where else dumbo.'
Me: 'I knew that dont worry'
Markimoo: 'sure u did'

Storage, but where? GOOGLE.
Now that I've got my storage place, my furniture sent over, videos pre-recorded, flight booked, I can start packing my clothes and head my way over to Los Angeles!
It's been a few days since me and Mark first talked about moving, and I just can't wait another minute! Well I probably could but, you get the point. So I started to get up and tear off the foam on my walls. There was little blacks spots everywhere when I would tear it off, which I hope the next owners don't mind.
About 1 hour later I finished peeling off all off all the foam. I tried to get all the black spots off as possible but there was still a good amount of them. Man, all that work sure did make me hungry. Heading down to my kitchen, I opened up my fridge, and grabbed me a left-over taco from my last night dinner. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my Subscriptions looking for a video, then one caught my eye.
Jacksepticeyes my roommate!!?? -
"7 million views!?!" I said in amazement. I instantly clicked on the video and started watching it. Since I already knew the details, I instantly scrolled down to the comments, checking out what people were saying. Most of them were:
or when's the sex tape coming out?
Not that this surprised me, people haves shipped me and Mark for a long time now. I was used to this. What the fans didn't know was that I actually liked Mark, but the problem was I still liked my girlfriend too. I knew I was bisexual. I've always knew. I just don't, well, I'm not ready to tell my fans yet. Maybe one day, but not this one. After the video finished, I went back to my subscriptions and watched more videos
I checked the clock. 2:oo am?!
When did it get this late? I better get to bed! I have to get up at 7:00 am tomorrow for the flight to Los Angeles. Heading back to my room, I jumped in the air mattress that I had set up since I had already had my bed shipped to Mark's place. I couldn't fall asleep, I was too excited. So what'd I do to go to bed? Get on my phone of course! I was checking the comments on my latest video. As expected, most of them were about me moving in with Mark and septiplier af and all this other shit. Dammit Mark. Can't I have one surprise for my veiwers!? You bastard. Then I went to check Twitter. I expected there to be things about the move, but GOD DAMN. My Twitter was blowing up. It was the same thing with my Instagram. So I tweeted at Mark.
'you bastard, I can't have one surprise for my veiwers can I? @markiplier'
and with that I turned off my phone and headed to dream land.
************************************* Hoped you liked this! I was reading other fanfics and I was inspired to write my own! So here it is.

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