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We have friends that are girls and boys. We feel comfortable with both groups. We can be great friends with whoever we want without too much trouble.

//sorry personal moment

When I was really young, like 6-9 years old, I never made friends. Most kids have friends when they are about that age, but not me. I was bullied, and I wasn't ever really best friends with anybody. I hung out with the boys. We played army in the woods next to the school. I was always the medic. I enjoyed playing with them. They never fought. Never cried. Never hurt one another. Never bullied or harassed one another.

I grew up to about 10-11 yrs of age. I was never the girl that never did gymnastics or any of that. I did basketball and volleyball. I had a few friends that came over sometimes, but I was still kind of an outcast. I still played with the boys. We played football together during recess, just tag football though. I really enjoyed that. They were my true friends, they were the ones who truly cared and who wouldn't leave if I needed help. Now I am 14, and I have moved to a different part of the USA since then. I still remember them. A while after, I learned they missed me as well. 

I never made true friends until about 5th grade... Wow. I moved to my new little town with my family. I came to school the first day, nervous. My teacher at the time, Mrs. Peterson, was amazing. She taught me so much. She made us go to a person and write a short biography about them in our notebook. I turn to a girl I had never met before. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her name was Alana. She was extremely shy, just like me. I wrote her biography, noting how similar we were. We were both BYU fans and lived in similar places. We had both moved many times, and we both laughed together. We both shared a lot in common.

We are BFF's even to this day.

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May wisdom serve you well,



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