My Message

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If I could give a message to the world, it would be to accept what you cannot change. Accept the fact that you have to make money to spend it. The fact that kids cry and dogs bark. These are the things that we have come to expect as a part of nature. But,we fail to accept the other things happening. We don't accept that as a race,humans are the most flawed creatures. We look down on animals ,when we ourselves are animals. We fail to accept that each child learns different and you can't force them to be good at something that they weren't meant to be good at. We fail to accept that sometimes "gross" or "humiliating" jobs are the only thing keeping some people alive. We fail to accept these. Even though we accept that the world is a dangerous place. We don't bother with the fact schools are making kids depressed. We don't bother with the things we can change. So,to the world, I want to tell you something. Accept the unchangeable, for you will die fighting a unwinnable fight. And never accept something that you can change. As the world will fall apart without the support.

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