Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It had been three weeks since the break room and Axel was avoiding me like I had the black plague. He entered the classes we had together at the last moment and was the first to leave. When I saw him in the hall he always seemed to magicly surround himself with people. I couldn't even catch him in the bathroom without someone else there with him.

I was done playing this game with him. I had tried to give him time to come to terms with what we had done but he was taking way to long. I was out of patients.

I waited outside the door of our second period class that I was going to skip today, just so I could talk to him. Well more like forcibly remove him then talk to him.

There was a classroom empty just two doors away from this one and I was going to drag his sorry ass into it and find out what the hell was going on with him. No one was just going to kiss me that passionately and run away. I was going to make him want me. I needed him to want me.

I watched him walk towards me from under the brim of my hat. Smiling I watched as he walked over slowly. The halls were empty now that the bell had rung. He was running late again no surprise. He didn't even notice me standing there. His thoughts must be weighing very heavy on him to not even notice his surroundings.

Ever since we had kissed I had started to really notice him. I noticed everything about him from his blue button up shirt to the smell of his cologne. I noticed how he fidgets when he was nervous or that he was extremely protective of his sister madeline.

The man was driving me crazy. I couldn't get him out of my head day or night. The thought of kissing him again was driving me insane. I even have been having dreams about kissing him but in my dream we had gone a lot further than just kissing. This whole business had put me on edge. I needed to try to resolve this and get to the bottom of what was going on.

I pushed myself off the wall from where I was and walked towards him and when he reached for the door handle, I grabbed his arm spinning him around so his back was against my chest. I clasped my other hand over his mouth and forcing him towards the empty room. I wanted to talk to him. I needed him to understand that I was damn sure I was ok with him liking me. I wasn't confused about liking him either.

He struggled the whole way to the room and as soon as I threw him in, I closed the door behind us but as i turned around to face him he struck out and hit me. Punching me square in the jaw for a second time. He hit me hard enough to knock me back into the door. He sure as hell knew how to land a punch even if he didn't know how to be ok with himself.

My hat fell away as I pushed myself up. All the anger I had about him avoiding me flared and i grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards me forcing him back into the cabinets. I pinned his body with mine grabbing his hands and forced his arms above his head as he struggled against me.

" Damn it Axel, knock it off. " I said as I tried to stop his struggling the best I could. Axel was small by no means. He played football. He lifted weights. Hell he was close to as tall as I was. It took quite a bit of strength to hold him there. It was after I spoke that I believe he realized it was me. I would have to apologize for that later. I didn't mean for him to think someone was trying to kidnap him.

" God Ben. What the hell. " Looking at me then. His eyes held a hidden anger and I knew my eyes matched his.

" Ya Axel, what the hell." I replied to him tightening my grip on his wrists. " You've been avoiding me. Why?" I asked him very seriously. I could see the panic form on his face. He was scared of what happened last time. He was scared of his own feelings. I watched as his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed and had a deep urge to lean down and suck on it but I refrained. We needed to talk.

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