Chapter four: Forgotten Bonds

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Chapter 4: Forgotten Bonds

"It's when we start working together that the real healing takes place... It's when we start spilling our sweat and not our blood." - David Hume

"What did you have in mind?" Sasuke almost taunted, with a crazy smirk. Oh, how those Uchiha's love games. "It's quite simple; if you want to be unattached, kill her. How could you ever possibly help take down Konoha's council if you can't murder one little girl from the past? The chakra chain binding the two of you is translucent to the point of near invisibility. This bond cannot be grabbed, broken, or bent. Think of it as gravity almost. Pull away your left hand, it'll tugged her right forward. This bind is 1 yard. 3 feet. 36 inches. 91.44 centimeters! Don't bother to chop off an arm, it will be in vain. As soon as my chakra wrapped around the both of your wrists', it ran concurrent with your veins. It won't disconnect and free you two until either hearts stop beating. You kill her, or she kills you. Or I die." Sakura scoffed, feeling invisible to the two family members.

"Until next time, have fun!" Said Madara, in his most ridiculous Tobi tone, before waving a hand; resulting in his complete disappearance. He was gone.. Vanished in thin air--transportation. Sakura, now to her feet, stood not a centimeter short of three feet away. The past teammates stared at each other in complete silence much longer than anyone could ever desire.

The cherry blossom's nostrils flared, brows furrowed, and anger radiated off her very being. Sasuke on the other hand, was icy, without any distinct emotion. Finally, it was Sakura who broke the silence "it's time to go home Sasuke.. Tsunade can help... She'll-" "No! God, how stupid could you possibly be!! There is no way I'll ever go back! Especially not for help from the hokage! I'm not exactly all too eager to die, if we go anywhere its the valley of death to find Madara." He completely snapped in a second, giving her the meanest of glares. 'He's gone fucking insane!! Well, on the bright side, that's possibly the most I've ever heard the bastard talk!' Sakura thought with a snarl. " I did say if.. But only one of us is leaving this room alive." He continued with what was a calm face now.

The pinkette stared in awe. Was it that easy? Had he really detached all possibly feelings? No.. Sakura refused to believe it...the Uchiha had to just be wearing a mask over those feelings brought up from old memories. Honestly...she could kill Sasuke if need be; but not over some silly family games! "Put your back toward me." He demanded, Katana withdrawn. The Kuniochi obliged completely at her own will. Though she couldn't now see the raven haired man, fear never came. Not even when the tip of its cold metal lightly grazed across the back of her neck. The blade had now made its was around, pressed to the medics jugular, yet the girl didn't cower, cry, or plea. Maybe she was waiting too...

With his warm chest now against her back, arm still locked in place, he whispered; "if you believe in a god.. I'd start preying to him. Aren't you going to cry for your life?" He dangerously daunted. "No." Her syllable near to nothing in sound, but still firm. It was hard to focus the way he had been breathing down her neck.. Part of Sakura Haruno hated that boy. And the other... Well, those feelings were way behind her, deteriorating with time. "Hn. I won't waste my time on you. This sword is only to kill ninjas. Not weaklings." The man with endless black depths for eyes said. Sheathing his blade, "that's our precious time from now on Uchiha." She said amused. Under that mean heartless jerk was--well, Sakura's childhood friend. A jerk who cared more than ever let on, for team 7 at least. "So the valley of death it is."

Sasuke led her through the interrogation room, down a narrow hallway away from the questioning unit. Sakura, who followed behind (as if she had a choice.) stayed silent. The S-ranked criminal ignored the females presence, except his one arm slightly dragging behind. The Uchiha jerked his limb his side, making the pink haired ninja nearly fumble. "Hey! Asshole! Mind being a little more careful there?!" She exclaimed. Sasuke sneered, eyes closed as he slowly inhaled and exhaled in attempt to keep his cool. "Your annoying me already." After that neither spoke, and Sasuke soon approached a door-- at a decent distance from all the others, at the very end of the hall.

Behind the closed door was a plain, dim lit room. Sakura had made the assumption it was his own, and this was indeed an underground hideout. All halls and personal rooms she'd gotten a glimpse were all lit by candle lights- except the interrogation section. There fluorescent rectangles glow from the ceiling. On the contrary, there wasn't any windows, except those that were one sided; none actually linking to the outside. The young man with the 'duck-butt' hair style then started walking to a door inside his bedroom-- 'a closet' she thought. Inside these four walls was a full mattress lying on the ground, one tall wooden dresser, and four shelfs built onto a wall opposite of the bed, holding an assortment of weapons. Fairly simple.

The kunoichi soon snapped out of her observing trance when she'd heard a thud. 'What the fuck was that??' She thought. Looking over the broad shoulder was two bags lying on the ground, clothes piled on top. "Uchiha, that's a lot of clothes for a week and a half train ride?" The rebel now stood, leading her to the bathroom, with a bag draped over his shoulder. "Hn, I thought you would at least be smarter than that Sa-ku-ra. I'm wanted, any time I travel its by foot or in secrecy." He stated, now grabbing various items from the medicine cabinet over the sink; though Sakura paid no attention as he intently stared at one thing in particular. " is that my hairbrush?" But no answer came as he'd blown out a candle and paced out. "Where in the fuck are we going?" She asked, convinced that if he walked any faster, her arm would pop out of socket. The pinkette desperately attempted to fill the gap between them. "Looking for my team. Their around here somewhere." Although his voice hasn't been loud, it was reserved, distant, and glacial.

Just the thought of what Sasuke considered his 'team' stung. Maybe it was just because 'team' had no longer been her, Naruto, or Kakashi. "I hate you..." She nearly whispered, and all he offered as an answer was; "good." Not a moment later the two had been greeted by a fanged grin. "Suigetsu, where's the others?" Sasuke asked in a demanding, firm tone. Sakura knew the man from the station looked familiar!! "Jugo's in his room, and Karin is out at the moment." He responded. "Get your things together. We leave in five minutes with or without Karin." The comical boy peaked around the Uchiha's shoulder. "And cutie?" Sasuke smirked rather darkly, with a hint of bitterness. "She's coming too."

Of course that jerk didn't even carry his own bags. He made the orange haired tall one do it. Now at the entrance, Suigetsu, who had four bags, was the first to pipe up. "Where are we going?" Sasukes jaw shifted and locked, annoyance painted across his face. "To find Madara and kill him, so I'll be detached from this problem." For whatever reason, that lit a fire in Sakura's chest. "Well excuse fucking me?! Like I enjoy being kidnapped, shocked, and getting stuck to a ego maniacal, self centered jerk like you!?!?"

Both jugo and Suigetsu stared, baffled "she didn't mean it!" Said the white haired boy, in complete and utter fear for what mind happen to Sakura. No one ever spoke to Sasuke Uchiha like that and lived to tell the tale. Ever. And they hasn't even opened the bases doors to leave yet!
"Oh like hell I didn't!" She spat, eyes shining with fiery and hatred. To everyone's dismay, retaliation never arrived. Sasuke disregarded both previous out bursts, courtesy of Konoha's best medic. "It will take 1 1/2 months to get to the Valley of Death. In other words, I expect we shall make it a three week trip." Sakura stared incredulously. That's impossible! "Not to burst your bubble there Sasuke, but what if he's not there?" Said, of course, Suigetsu. But a smirk played on the ravens lips. "Oh, he will be: you see, it's a game. One that has to stay interesting to play."

Soon after the four began their journey. Sasuke of course walked ahead of everyone in the group, as Sakura took full advantage of those 3 feet. "What's your name?" Asked the Kuniochi, talking to the taller fellow. "Sasuke mentioned someone named Jugo.. Is that you..?" The wide eyed boy simply nodded, fear somehow imprinted on his features. The boy looked like a cornered animal.. "It's no use princess. Jugo is just one step up from mute. Not by much either." Then Sasuke scoffed, or let out a little unamused snort of a laugh. Sakura couldn't tell. Or care.

"Are we stopping tonight..?" Asked Jugo, in a low almost inaudible tone. "I suppose. In the next upcoming village we'll get two rooms."

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