Chapter 21: Missing You...

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Chapter 21: Missing You...
This chapter is dedicated to Nic D. Tilley, I know your looking over us baby-boy. RIP Tricc 5/9/96-11/9/12
(This is a filler chapter.)

"Better to loved and lost, than to never love at all." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

One week left... Is this what it feel's like to drown..? Alone, cold, numb, but accepting of the near fate? What could she do anyway's? It was her fault after all... Now Sakura lied on her bed in the dark once more, the familiar team seven picture to her chest as if only it could tend to the burning inside.

'It's already been a week, with one more to go, and I have yet to unpack my bag..' She thought. Everyone had come by since her date once or so. Though the cherry blossom has not yet opened the door, she was aware of the collection of congratulation pre marriage gifts acquired outside her door. Depression had officially consumed her whole being. Sakura Haruno was to marry a man she hardly knew in a week. Although being near stranger's; Sakura did know she would never, nor could never love this man. Her heart had already been taken by a criminal. Stolen away, only to be dropped many of times...

Knock, knock. 'maybe if I closer answer they'll go away..' She thought, making no effort to get up, when the door opened anyways. "Sakura, it's Kakashi.." Said the white haired man, already peaking in from behind her bedroom door. He then walked all the way in, and sat at her bedside. The cherry blossom pulled the blanket over her once again, and rolled so her back faced him. "What is Kakashi-sensei..?" She asked, voice shaking. "I just came to check on my student." Said the masked man in a cheery tone.

The Kuniochi sat up, picture now laying along, "I'm fine..." She lied once more, as she had ever since she's been back in the leaf. "Ah, Sakura. Your so talented at many things; a medic, chakra control, ninja-- but not a lying." That being said, the broken girl completely shattered, bursting out into tears, desperately trying to hush all gasps. The mentor only edged closer--he had never really been the best at comforting someone, especially not crying girl's. Kakashi Hatake then decided to at least try; and pulled the aching student into his arms, giving her a shoulder to shake and sob into.

"You can't always be so strong Sakura.. You have nothing more to prove to anyone, we all know your not that little girl standing behind everyone anymore... So what makes you so afraid to cry..?" But the sensei's words only pulled the medical ninja into balling his shirt up in her fist's, eye's buried in his chest; relentlessly bawling. "kaka-sensei..." She said sniffling, and softly whispered-- and so softly it had been barely audible, "I just miss him so much..." Everything. His cocky smirk, the he acted irritation but eyes shone with amusement, the way his hair looked so effortlessly kept, and skin showed a map of past battles. 'I miss you.. Why'd you do what you did.. Why'd we have to be separated...? I-I love you...'


"God damned it..." Said the avenger, now alone. He had been sitting at the ledge of a rocky cliff, staring out at nature's art of a canyon canvas. The perplex pinks, oranges, yellows and a tad bit of green in the sky towered over the terrain, shadows casted behind ever natural stature.

Why did it sting so bad? Why couldn't he stop himself from thinking about what he left behind? What he did for the best? Sasuke had always been full of greed, and tended to be self centered.. But with Sakura, that wasn't an option. No longer had he been able to think about his own want's before her's.. That's why it had to be done, for the protection of what could possibly be the only person alive he thought he truly cared for deeply...even if it was at his own expense.

The raven looked up at the sky now, and wondered about his family... Even when someone passes, they are always with you. Always by your side.. But it feels so lonely, because you cannot see them, cannot hold them, and you cannot let them know just how much you truly loved them. How desperately you need them. How different thing's have been since they've left.. But you can make sure another someone knows before it's too late. Sasuke had personally experienced it being too late, and there's nothing you can do about it after that point.

But what if it's not too late? What if although you love someone who is still around to tell, they might be under the impression you can't stand them? Do you let them know before it's to late for them? What if their marrying someone else, or they don't want you..? What if they stopped loving you back...?

Love...that's it. That's what he had felt inside. After so long in deep thought, Sasuke was torn at what to do. Stay away like he know's is for the best, and let her forget him altogether? Or at least let her know what he feels while still having the opportunity to..? Onyx orbs gazing at the few visible stars as night had just fallen, he immediately recognized them. Those four stars bunched together; more radiant than all others. Sasuke Uchiha stared intently, and asked aloud "what do I do??" Then closing his eyes in frustration, rubbing his temples, something unexpectly happened; he got an answer.
"Go to her.."

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