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He always acts all strong, mighty, and like he could care less about how many curse words he put in is sentences. 
But there is one thing that can take down this so-called "Grim Reaper"


Surprisingly enough.

Of course, once you found that out you wouldn't stop teasing the poor soul about it.
But what makes it worse for him is that both of you are now in some dark, spooky, forest at night.
Lovely right?                                                                                                                                                                        

~    ~    ~
"Ragna, I swear I heard a twig snap" her (e/c) irises darted around nervously

He scoffed, " Yea, sure. "

" I'm being serious! "  She huffed and started walking faster to catch up to the stubborn male " Would I lie to you~?" She pouts

"Uh, yeah, you would" he bluntly said again and continues walking through the forest


"(Y/n), stop it" He sounded annoyed

"Stop what?" You asked innocently

"Snapping twigs, its not going to scare me." He was annoyed for sure

"Yea, yea, I'll stop... I'm sorry." She smiled sweetly, which made his face go beet red

You knew he could stay mad at you for long


"I thought you said you would stop!" He looked down at you, but to his surprise saw you clinging on to his arm

"Ragna, I swear to god that wasn't me..." Your voice quivered with fear "m-maybe we should have listened to Jubei before coming here...?"

"W-would you be quiet?!" He stuttered, trying to sound brave

"But what if there really is a g-ghost?" You clinged onto his arm tighter

"I told you to shut-up!" He blushed a little but still frightened

Was there really a ghost here?

"We should keep moving... The sooner we get out the better, right?" He tried to sound reassuring
It didn't work for neither of you

Snap, snap, snap

"R-Ragna...? What was...?" As you where about to look behind you...


"AHHH!" That small boo was enough to send both you and Ragna running

"Heh, stupid kids" said a small cat as he walked out of the shadows

Maybe Ragna and you should start believing those ghost stories Jubei tells you

Because you never know if the ghost is Jubei himself

[discontinued.] Little Things (Ragna X Reader Drabbles)Where stories live. Discover now