asks you to remarry him

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Your at work and you get a phone call from your boss asking you to take the day off you smile and say "OK" after you hung, up the phone with your boss you grab, your car keys and head home once you arrived at home you hear your phone rang you pick, it up and answer it.

You: hello?

Prince: hey Y/N can you come over? Me and my friends and family wanna talk to you

You: OK I'm on my way bye (hangs,up phone)

You grab, your car keys and head, over to princes house about 2 minutes later you arrive at princes house you get, out of the car and walk, up to princes door steps you knock, on princes door a few seconds later prince opens, the door and greets you. "Come in Y/N and take a set" prince says with a smile on his face you walk, in and you see princes whole family and friends you sit, on the couch and look at prince with a look of confusion written all over your face "prince what is going on here?" You ask with still a look of confusion written all over your face. "Y/N I love you with all my heart I will never do anything to hurt you I never cheated on you that girl was the one who kissed me after she kissed me I said excuse Me I'm married I love you Y/N will you do me the honors of remarrying? me I miss- I miss you I miss my wife and I want her back" prince says with tears coming down his face. "Prince yes......yes I will remarry you I miss my husband so much" you say with happy tears coming down your face.
Getting remarried

Two weeks later.........

It was just you and prince and a judge the judge was the one remarrying you guy.

Judge: Prince Rogers Nelson do you take this wonderful girl to be your lawful wedded wife?

Prince: I do

Judge: do you Y/N take Prince Rogers Nelson to be your lawful wedded husband?

You: I do

You and prince put the rings on each others fingers those was the rings from your last wedding.

Judge: I know pronounce you remarried you my now kiss

After you and prince kissed, you guys went to show your family and friends that your remarried you guys was so happy after showing your family and friends they cheard and clapped now that you and prince was remarried.

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